Oh my! The last few weeks have been so crazy...everything has happened so fast...and it's not over yet! We have been busy packing, moving out, dealing with a minor scare that Jay had the swine flu (he's ok...more on that later), trying to get settled in our temporary home, Jay started his new job Sunday(yay!), wrapping things up to make sure we close on time at the new house, etc. We closed on our house in Clear Lake yesterday and haven't closed yet in Spring so we are temporarily homeless...sort of...we are staying with my parents for a little while until we get moved in to our new house. We are set to close next Thursday and then we are having some tile put in to replace the forest green tile that is currently there, so we are hoping to be able to actually move in about a week after closing. WE CAN'T WAIT to get settled and back in to some form of routine and normalcy and we are so excited to really immerse ourselves in our new community up there.
So Wednesday of last week Jay got really sick...sore throat, fever, vomiting, etc....flu like symptoms. He went to the doc who diagnosed an upper respiratory infection but said Jay's symptoms were flu like so he was sending his flu swabs off to the healthcare department and that it would take 48 hrs to get the results. Meanwhile we were a bit concerned about Josiah being exposed if it were the swine flu so I furiously packed Josiah and I up and moved us out to my parents a couple days ahead of schedule to get Josiah away from Jay (sounds dramatic now but we wanted to play it safe). I felt so bad leaving my sick husband to fend for himself but Josiah isn't weaned yet so what do you do?! The next day the healthcare department called Jay and interviewed him and decided he needed more testing and it would be an additional 5 days before we knew anything...are you serious?! And it has now been longer than that and we have yet to hear back...but he is fine. After 24 hrs of being on antibiotics he was feeling back to himself and has not had a fever since that first day. We lifted the quarantine we imposed by Thursday afternoon but he kept his distance from us until it had been 48 hrs since his fever. All of this was going on while trying to move out...crazy!
Anyways...here are some pics of the precious little man during the packing frenzy!
Aunt Britt was entertaining so we could be productive!

Saturday we took Josiah down to the beach for a surf contest. It was fun but it was so windy...he was a little overwhelmed at first and we didn't last that long out there. He didn't seem to mind the sand a bit but the water and waves he wasn't too crazy about just yet! He spent most of the time inside his pack n play just because it blocked the spraying sand, he didn't mind being covered in it or eating it but it was blowing in his eyes.
If you blow this one up you can see how caked in sand he was...so cute!

The last few days he has started shaking his head "no" at different things. It is so cute and I am amazed that he knows how to express himself like that already...I guess we shake our heads "no" more than we realized! It's so funny when he does it. We are trying to teach him "yes" now...it doesn't seem to come as naturally! =) We are going to try and start teaching him basic signs now...I can't wait until he picks some up and starts using them...it will be so awesome to communicate with him that way in this preverbal stage.