Josiah's vocabularly is expanding so fast it seems like and we are having so much fun trying to make out the new words he is trying to say and getting him to copy words we say.
Here is the run down of his vocab at 13 months!
So far he says:
(he says this anytime he drops something, falls down, etc. The funniest time though was once when he had gotten into the bathroom and was pulling out all the toilet paper...Jay walked in the bathroom to get him and Josiah looked up and saw him he was initially excited to see him but quickly realized he was busted and said "Daddy!...uh-oh"
(he calls everything and cold alike)
(he says this anytime we are doing something he wants to stop...changing diaper, clothes, etc.)
Dada and Daddy
(mostly daddy)
(only once when I was getting him to repeat it)
(ome sounds more like um, everytime we pull into the driveway)
Eei Eei Oh
(ay i ay i ay)
Last week we took full advantage of the beautiful weather and went to the fountains at our town center twice, a park one day, and played out on the deck in the backyard everyday. Here are some pics of the little man loving his playtime in the water.