This is a very belated post considering we are now a week away from Christmas...but better late than never, right?!
Jay's family has had the tradition for years of renting a beach house in Galveston at Thanksgiving. It is something we look forward to every year that we spend Thanksgiving with his side of the family. We fish, eat, work puzzles, play games, kayak, surf sometimes, and eat some more! It's so relaxing and so much fun to be all together for a few days.
The house we stayed in this year was shaped like a boat- Burch's Ark!

The georgeous view from the front of the boat/house!

I caught the first fish this year! Woo Hoo! Except it was a Sheephead and we didn't keep it.

Jay kayaking.

Jay's fish...he always catches the big ones!
CORRECTION: Jay's mom's catch...
she always catches big ones too,
I guess we didn't get a pic of the one Jay caught!

Jay and his dad.

Grandpa Jack teaching Josiah how to reel on his first fishing pole!

Out in the boat with Grandpa Jack and Freckles

Jay lovin life on the water!

Driving the boat with Grandpa Jack

Riding with Freckles

Swinging with daddy on the dock!

On the boat and ready to go!

Bye-bye...we are going out to sea!

We had such a good time and can't wait until Josiah can really fish next time!