Last weekend some sweet friends of mine from the Christian Surfers group through me a baby shower! It was precious and I had so much fun...again!
Sweet Hostesses:
Susie (she is pregers too), Kat, Laura, and Lara!

Laura made a beautiful prego cake and it was delicious too!

Susie made a picture board of Jay and I when we were babies so we could imagine what Josiah might look like! There is a glare so it may be hard to see....

Cute little candy favors they made!

Emily's decorative contribution! So sweet!

I got several handcrafted especially for Josiah gifts...everyone was so thoughtful!

Sweet friends from Vineyard church...some of the crafty gift givers right here!

Ashly and Blayne, Ashly was a coworker of mine before Blayne came along, she gave me the gift I am holding above...basket full of toys!

My sister in law, a coworker of mine, and then some girlfriends from Calvary Chapel....and sweet little Caelan! It was so fun having people from a bunch of different areas of my life all together at once!

At home after the shower going through all the loot!

We thought we needed to try on some of Josiah's hooded towels, he will get a kick out of these pics some day...goofy parents!

Thank you everyone that came! I was overwhelmed with everyone's thoughtfulness and love!
As for an update on me....belly is still growing. I plan on taking more pics to post soon. I am feeling pretty good, got the heartburn under control with Tums and avoiding spicy foods, and fatigue is there for sure but I am sleeping better lately now that the heartburn in under control. Josiah is super active and starting to do the stretch thing that can kind of hurt sometimes! I can feel his little hand, elbow, heel, whatever it might be pushing out so I gently rub it until he draws it back in. It is pretty sweet, I don't think I'll ever cease to be amazed by his precious little movements...even when it's a stout kick to the ribs...I just love the experience of his little activity inside of me. Jay and I are enjoying our childbirthing classes and got to tour the hospital Thursday night... it seems surreal that we will be there in just 2 months or so. We can't wait, it is getting so close! I am having lots of fun washing Josiah's clothes, blankets, etc., putting shower gifts up and decorating the nursery...I am busy nesting! Life is good, we are so blessed, and our God is so faithful! We constantly are humbled and amazed by His faithful provision for us. Now if I could just learn to REST in Him more, it's a work in progress but I am growing!