I just love him and love being a mom!
Jay, Jamie and Josiah
Posted by Jamie at 7:44 PM 6 comments
YaYa (my mom)
Josiah loves talking to YaYa! He is really starting to interact...it is so fun! He had his first interactive smiles this week too!
Lovin' from Papa Bear (my dad)
Snuggled up with Aunt Lindsey!
Out like a light in Grandma Freckles arms! (Jay's mom)
So relaxed!
Old Dude (Jay's dad) working his charm on a screaming baby!
So happy to meet Uncle B and Aunt Brittnie! (jay's brother and his wife)
Nanny and PaPa (jay's grandparents)
Jay's Uncle David
My Aunt Cheryl
My Aunt Vicki and cousins Kayla and Bethany
Mia, Grace, and Benjamin (my cousin Bret and Jen's kiddos)
One of my best friends...sweet Meredith!
And more pics of our little mister!Play time with mommy! He was such a happy boy that day!
Yes Robin...Jay is wearing dress clothes! His new job requires it! =) Ha!
My new favorite thing to look at...my handsome boys together!
Had to document pics of us sleeping...it happens so rarely that it is a big deal to note when it does! =) Notice Jay holding him in one pic and he's in bed with me in the other...until the past day or so that is the only way Josiah will sleep. But we may have discovered that the bouncer works wonders...we will see!
Okay...hope you aren't so pictured out by now that you don't visit the newborn portrait website...they are just to precious to miss!
Yay! I finally finished a blog...thanks to my little love being so happy and willing to let me put him down to play and sleep today!
Posted by Jamie at 5:26 PM 7 comments