Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy 1 Month Birthday Josiah!

Our sweet boy is one month old today! I can't believe how fast this first month went. In some ways I am thankful because it has been somewhat of a rough go for us the past couple weeks...but I am also sad because time is passing so quickly already, he is growing up so fast!
Don't ya just wanna kiss that face?!
He is really working on finding that thumb...I hope he does so when he loses his paci at night or during naptime he can pop that thumb in there to self soothe!

So...I mentioned that we have had a rough go sum it up as quickly as possible...poor little guy has reflux, my milk supply was low for a while, and sweet little love wasn't sleeping hardly at all for a couple of weeks and was so overtired and strung out. BUT...he is now on medicine for the reflux and it has helped a lot, my milk supply is back up and plentiful, and we are working on the sleep thing. I have him on an eat, play, sleep schedule feeding him about every 3 hours. He is sleeping a lot is just that he isn't sleeping well on his own, he sleeps like an angel as long as we are holding him, or I am wearing him in the sling. We can sometimes get about 45 minutes out of him laying down on his own...but for our own sanity we have given in to constant wearing or holding so we can get some sleep. I am hoping that once he gets caught back up on sleep he will start sleeping hard enough that we can put him down for longer periods of time. He is sleeping in his swing right now...we will see how long it lasts...well, there he is...less than 30 minutes.
Here are some sweet pics from when we gave him his first bottle
And I love this he always puts his hands over his face.
I just love him and love being a mom!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Newborn Portraits and Sweet First Moments with Family!

Last week we took Josiah to have some newborn portraits taken. We were at the studio from 9:30 to 1pm and he cried almost the whole time so we weren't sure how the pictures were going to turn out. But she actually managed to get some really precious ones in those few moments he wasn't crying! I thought some of you might want to the link below and it will take you directly to the slideshow of the pictures. Enjoy!

Here are some pics of family with the little man!

YaYa (my mom)

Josiah loves talking to YaYa! He is really starting to is so fun! He had his first interactive smiles this week too!

Lovin' from Papa Bear (my dad)

Snuggled up with Aunt Lindsey!

Out like a light in Grandma Freckles arms! (Jay's mom)

So relaxed!

Old Dude (Jay's dad) working his charm on a screaming baby!

So happy to meet Uncle B and Aunt Brittnie! (jay's brother and his wife)

Nanny and PaPa (jay's grandparents)

Jay's Uncle David

My Aunt Cheryl

My Aunt Vicki and cousins Kayla and Bethany

Mia, Grace, and Benjamin (my cousin Bret and Jen's kiddos)

One of my best friends...sweet Meredith!

And more pics of our little mister!Play time with mommy! He was such a happy boy that day!

Yes Robin...Jay is wearing dress clothes! His new job requires it! =) Ha!

My new favorite thing to look handsome boys together!

Had to document pics of us happens so rarely that it is a big deal to note when it does! =) Notice Jay holding him in one pic and he's in bed with me in the other...until the past day or so that is the only way Josiah will sleep. But we may have discovered that the bouncer works wonders...we will see!

Okay...hope you aren't so pictured out by now that you don't visit the newborn portrait website...they are just to precious to miss!

Yay! I finally finished a blog...thanks to my little love being so happy and willing to let me put him down to play and sleep today!