Our sweet boy is one month old today! I can't believe how fast this first month went. In some ways I am thankful because it has been somewhat of a rough go for us the past couple weeks...but I am also sad because time is passing so quickly already, he is growing up so fast!

So...I mentioned that we have had a rough go lately...to sum it up as quickly as possible...poor little guy has reflux, my milk supply was low for a while, and sweet little love wasn't sleeping hardly at all for a couple of weeks and was so overtired and strung out. BUT...he is now on medicine for the reflux and it has helped a lot, my milk supply is back up and plentiful, and we are working on the sleep thing. I have him on an eat, play, sleep schedule feeding him about every 3 hours. He is sleeping a lot now...it is just that he isn't sleeping well on his own, he sleeps like an angel as long as we are holding him, or I am wearing him in the sling. We can sometimes get about 45 minutes out of him laying down on his own...but for our own sanity we have given in to constant wearing or holding so we can get some sleep. I am hoping that once he gets caught back up on sleep he will start sleeping hard enough that we can put him down for longer periods of time. He is sleeping in his swing right now...we will see how long it lasts...well, there he is...less than 30 minutes.
Here are some sweet pics from when we gave him his first bottle

And I love this he always puts his hands over his face.
I just love him and love being a mom!

I just love him and love being a mom!
Hey Jamie- your baby boy is stun-ning! You guys look like you're doing a great job.
I CAN NOT WAIT TO SNUGGLE AND KISS THAT LITTLE ONE AGAIN. 8 DAYS!!! He has gained some weight! What a cutie. Well I love you and if I get sometime this week, I will give you a call!
Jamie--He is so sweet! I have been praying for you guys and for Josiah to get more sleep. I'm glad he's feeling better -- getting the reflux thing figured out. Hope I get to see you and meet Josiah soon! Isn't being a Mom amazing?? It is sad that time is flying so fast!
he's so precious. can't believe he's 1 month old!
try Fenugreek from Whole Foods, it's a natural supplement that increases your milk supply like *magic*
So glad things are getting better. You will love the results you get from your eat, play, sleep schedule. Annie did not sleep in a bed at first either. She finally learned. It takes a while, but they learn. Hang in there!! There is a magical change at 3 months. Suddenly life isn't so hard. Suddenly your baby seems more peaceful, suddenly you are getting more sleep.
What a sweet baby boy you have!!
He is so cute I wanna eat him up! In the mornings Jake sleeps in bed w/me because he'll rest a little longer that way, but every move or sound wakes me up, so it's almost pointless. I feel your pain. This will soon pass. When did the reflux start? I'm glad to hear it's getting better! I called you earlier....you are probably napping!!!! Love ya Mama!
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