Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Quick prayer request...

Please pray for Josiah and I. We are having a really rough time with breastfeeding issues. He started having some green diapers last week and acting really fussy and gasy. This often indicates an oversupply of milk where the baby gets full on foremilk and doesn't get enough hindmilk. It can also indicate that he has a virus...and Jay and I both had some kind of weird stomach stuff going on last week. I am having a difficult time discerning which it is. And if it's the oversupply issue trying to decide which method to use to address it. I don't want to give up on breast feeding at all...and don't plan on it, but I am VERY weary and discouraged at the constant battle we seem to be having with it. Please pray that things will level out, that I will have discernment as to what exactly is going on, and that I will have the strength emotionally to persevere and that Josiah starts feeling better. Also...please pray he starts sleeping on his own some. Or at least that he will sleep next to us in bed versus us having to hold him all night and all day when he needs to sleep. We LOVE cuddling him and love that he wants to cuddle so often...yet we are desperate for more rest. Books I've read on sleep lend me to think he may be four months before we see much of a change since he has been colicky and has reflux...but we serve a God who can do immeasurably more than we can ask or please join us in praying for relief sooner as we aren't even halfway to four months yet.
Pray for our strength and for us to maintain a joyful, hopeful, and thankful spirit for our precious and most amazing little gift!
Pics from Thanksgiving to come...not sure when...but as soon as I get a chance!


Out On a Limb said...

Hey Jamie...I'll be praying for you all. Have you talked to Suzy Adams from WHCC? She's a lactation consultant and is more than happy to help people. I called her several times. Wade had a small issue with foremilk and she helped me out. I ended just having to pump a little bit before each feeding.

Unknown said...

Prayers up for all of you. Missed seeing y'all on Monday.


jasonandchaney said...

Jamie, hang in there I understand what you are going through. I had a really hard time feeding when Maddison was little. I know it can be VERY frustrating. You are in my prayers.