Thanks to all who have been praying for us. For a quick update...despite pumping off foremilk before feeding Josiah is still having some green diapers and seems to have tummy upset, we will see what the pedi says at the 2 month visit next week. I am nervous he is going to put me on a dairy elimination diet to rule out an allergy to fun! But if it helps my boy I will do it of course. BUT...this post is to share the positives and the GOOD here goes!
1) Josiah slept for about 5 1/2 hrs last night (being held but nonetheless it was a long stretch) he skipped a feeding for the first time! Then I got him to sleep in his bassinet for 40 minutes during a nap this morning! I was able to wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed, cook breakfast, and unload the was AWESOME...amazing the small things we take for granted! Progress!
2)Josiah has gotten to be so much fun to interact with during his awake time. He is becoming so happy...especially when his tummy is full...he laughs out loud, talks and coos a lot whether it's to himself, the nearest toy in sight, or to us...which is his favorite! He also has started making the cutest sad face I've ever seen...once I can capture it on camera I will definitely share...he pouts out his bottom lip just before he starts to fuss and it just melts my heart.

3)Developmentally he has learned to push himself up during tummy time and is even trying to roll over to the left side, he holds his head steady when sitting up or on our shoulder, he bats at things with his hands, follows us with his eyes even turning his head to keep us in sight when we walk by or move in front of him, he can bear a good amount of his weight on his legs in a standing position, and although he hasn't yet grasped a rattle, he definitely gets a good grasp on my hair and dangly earrings for me for a while! He is loving his play time!
4)Last night he met his first little buddy close to the same age...Rowen Stone Murphy...born last week to our church friends and neighbors, Bryan and Lindsay. Lindsay is one strong woman...she delivered that 8lb 11oz baby with no drugs! We live on the same street and Josiah and Rowen are 6 wks apart so it will be really fun watching them become playmates! Another couple friend of ours from church is due on Christmas, they are having a little girl and also live right down the street from us. We can't wait for her to get here!

5)Thanksgiving was a blast! We went to Abilene and celebrated with Lindsey and Jason. Then Friday went to Seymour and celebrated my grandma's 90th birthday! She so does not seem 90...she showed up to her party in heels with a flower on them, hot pink nail polish, and a sassy skirt suit...too cute! Josiah met lots of family for the first time on this trip, it was really fun! Then Saturday we went to see ACU's football team play in the playoffs! It was the furthest they have ever gone in a season...National Quarter Final game and was really exciting...sadly they didn't bring their best game and they lost, but it was still a really fun experience...and Josiah's first football game!

Josiah finally met his Uncle JJ and he loves him!

It was so special getting to share Josiah with Grandma only living grandma!

Josiah has on a football sleeper for the occasion...and sleep he did...right through the whole game! Go figure...doesn't want to sleep at home but at a noisy football game...out like a light!

6) And biased as I may be...we just have a BEAUTIFUL and HANDSOME baby boy...just look at him! =)

Of course...we have to have a surfer outfit for our little man!
Great post. How awesome about last night. He looks so healthy, happy, and OldER!! Crazy. We miss you guys. Love you and am still praying.
Happy to hear about the PROGRESS and the happy news :) You're a trooper, we're prayin for you guys, and he is getting CUTER AND CUTER by the
He's such a little man! He's got one of those adorable faces that makes you think he's so wise. Like a little old man with worlds of experience in a cute little newborn package! You guys are doing great, I hope it just gets better and easier for you every day.
Yay for 5 1/2 hours of sleep!!! That is incredible. I don't think Jackson did that until after his first bday. I hope you can figure out the diaper/upset tummy situation soon. It's always unsettling to not know what's wrong with your baby. Josiah is absolutely precious! He is seriously a beautiful baby. Enjoy every minute!!! :-)
Yes he is one beautiful and handsome baby boy! I really love those big eyes of his! I am soooo sorry I haven't called you again, but I figure you understand... I just can't even muster the energy to pick up the phone these days! But I definitely want to catch up soon. I am going to be in TX from the end of December until the end of February, I would love to get together with you and Meredith and anyone else who might be around. We need to get Josiah and Jake together! You guys are always in my prayers. I'll talk to you soon.
Oh yeah, I also wanted to say that your family of three looks so cute in that picture at the football game!!!
He is truly a beautiful baby boy. You're in my prayers!
He is seriously the cutest baby boy! I can't wait to see him in person one day. I am happy to hear about your progress...we are praying for you guys! Love you!
I think we have a grom contest coming up in the spring. He'll be ready! Great pictures.
He is absolutely adorable. He is perfect in every way!
I think of you guys often! Josiah is too cute! We will have to come by and visit soon. Maybe after Christmas. :)
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