1)How do I get my pics to upload so that when someone wants to click on the pic to blow it up they can? I have some fam members requesting I fix this and I don't know how!
2)How do I get that thing on my sidebar that tells me when my blog friends have written a new post?...Robin and I think Ambre....I noticed you have them...share your knowledge and hook a woman up with your blog skills!
Thanks friends! =)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Question for all you blog gurus!?!
Posted by Jamie at 3:15 PM 3 comments
Tummy time adventures and more!

Tuesday my friend Becky came over with her 4 wk old little girl, Emry Grace! We just spent the day chatting and doing our mom thing together...it was fun to have company and Josiah liked hanging out with Emry. They live down the street and go to church with us so they will be good buddies!
Having such fun together! Josiah is like "yay... someone my size!"

Awww...little sweeties holding hands!

Last Friday night we went to dinner and then to Main Event to go bowling for my father-in-law's birthday...which also happened to be Josiah's 3 month birthday! It was a lot of fun. Here are some pics at Main Event.

The birthday boys!

The whole fam! We were about to leave and it was cold so we put Josiah's hoodie up...he looks so funny!
So...Josiah has decided to revert back to waking up every 2-2.5 hours during the night for the past two nights...WHAT IS THIS?! Let's hope this is short lived cause I am one tired mama today!
Posted by Jamie at 2:14 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Catch-Up Marathon Post!
I figured out the reason it takes me SOOO long to write a post! I am always playing catch up and have a thousand things I want to write about and post pics of. Then I spend forever looking through my gazillion pictures of Josiah trying to decide which ones to post cause they are all so darn cute that I want to post all of them but know nobody else probably is quite as taken by hundreds of pictures of him as I am...except for maybe his grandparents! So because that is all such a long process I never feel like I have time to blog. My new solution...if I actually will follow through on it...is to blog short quick posts often instead of marathon posts like this one is going to be.

He got a bunch of books for Christmas from both sets of grandparents and some cousins...and he LOVES to read them! He looks so intently at each page and has started reaching out to touch the book and attempt to turn the pages...except he ends up closing the book instead of turning the page! Ha! He has also started reading out loud with us...as soon as we start to read he starts babbling like he knows the books by heart!

This is on his 3 month birthday, I couldn't get him to look at the camera because he was too fascinated by his feet!

Chilling in his bumbo!!!

Showing off how well he can reach and grasp things now!

He apparantely already knows how to rock out...I thought this was so funny especially since he is wearing that sleeper!

He loves bath time it puts him in the best mood!
My cousin Bethany got married on the 10th to Mr. Cody Girod! I was in the wedding and so the whole weekend we were busy having wedding fun! Thursday we went out for her Bachelorette Party to Escalantes for dinner and then out to sing Karaoke and we all had to wear some type of "flare" as you see in the picture below! Friday was the bridesmaid luncheon and rehearsal dinner that night, and then Saturday starting at breakfast was wedding prep and then the wedding that night! Thursday was my first time to go out for an evening without Josiah! It was a fun break! And the whole weekend was my first experience of doing something so big with a baby! He was a trooper the whole weekend, he had to take a lot of bottles over the weekend, and he missed several naps and stayed up late partying at the reception and he did great! I have such a little angel!
Just before Karaoke...some of the gals in our "flare!" Linds and I hanging out!
The beautiful bride and handsome groom! We are so happy for them, they are perfect for each other! Welcome to the fam Cody!
Our fam at the reception!

Posted by Jamie at 1:01 PM 6 comments