Our sweet boy turned 5 months on Monday!
He is rolling all over the place now, can sit up without support for about 30 seconds or so, is getting really antsy to be crawling...he gets so frustrated when he can't get to a toy, he initiates peek-a-boo by holding something over his face until we say "where's josiah?" and then he pulls it down cackles when we say "peek-a-boo!" He is still a drool machine and constantly gumming whatever he can get into his mouth but no visible sign of any teeth yet. He is such a joy and when we don't think it's possible to love him anymore than we already do...he captures our hearts by surprise and we are completely overwhelmed with an even deeper love for him!
We have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather this week and going for lots of walks and spending time outdoors...he LOVES being outside!
"Look mommy's not holding me up!"
Jay misses Josiah so much during the week, as soon as he gets home he takes over for a while so I can have a break and he can have a little time with him before he goes to bed at 7. Josiah lights up when his daddy walks through the door! This is tonight after Jay gave him his bath. Doesn't Josiah look so proud to be sitting on his daddy's shoulder?! Love it!

We love our little man!

We have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather this week and going for lots of walks and spending time outdoors...he LOVES being outside!
"enough pictures mom put me down and let me play!"
And so I did...

We love our little man!
Oh my goodness. I really can not put into words the depth of longing I have to hold and play and never let go of precious Josiah. He is growing up so fast! I MISS MY NEPHEW! LIFE IS NOT FAIR, but you have no idea how the blogging helps me through. That one pic with the sunglasses on his head, looks like dad to me! What fun times! Enjoy and cherish every moment of the time spring days. Love you all three mucho. Jason and I miss you, three of the dearest in our lives! CAMPING COUNTDOWN BEGINS!!!
He just gets cuter and cuter! You guys look great too of course. :)
i just found the comment you left on my blog (shows you how good i am at this blogging thing, i am still trying to get in the swing of things). of course i would love if you would link me up, please do!
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