Our precious boy is 19 months old now! Can't believe how fast he's growing up on us! He is such a delight, he makes me laugh all day long with his cute little personality. He is a super busy, very curious, strong willed, but sweet spirited little boy! We are crazy about him, he melts my heart about 100 times a day!
Lately he is really big into imitating us, he says lots of words and a few two or three word little sentences every once in a while. My favorite new thing he has been doing lately is reaching out to hold our hands at dinner time as soon as we are all at the table cause he knows we pray at the start of each meal. He will hold our hands through the whole prayer, bow his head sometimes, and when it is over she shouts "AMEN!" and throws his fist in the air! Precious!

Little Jay in the making!

This pic is why I love having a DSLR!

Jay and I celebrated our 6yr wedding anniversary last month! It's been a wonderful six years, the longer I am married to this man, the more I respect him and his integrity of character...so blessed!

We met my friend Becky and her daughter Emrey at Herman Park a few wks ago for a picnic. It was a blast! I'd never been to that park before and it is so cool for little ones! We rode the train over the park area, played, had a picnic in a toddler sized little covered picnic table, and fed the ducks! It was so good seeing our friends from Clear Lake too, we miss them!
Josiah loved the train! And he also really liked seeing his friend Emrey, as you can see in the pic!

Giant Swings!

Josiah's first experience feeding the ducks! At first he was just curious but once the ducks came up close enough to eat what he was throwing out he had a ball, he was throwing furiously and cackling the whole time. It was a sad moment for him when there were no more cheerios and goldfish in his snacktrap to share with the ducks!

Us celebrating mother's day with Jay's parents at Market Street!

Jay and his mom! I am blessed to have her as my mother-in-law!

Josiah being silly with Grandpa Jack!

My sweet mama...I am so thankful for her, don't know what I'd do without her!
We met my parents at Star Pizza then to Amy's Ice Cream for mothers day!

Josiah sharing his spaghetti with Papa Bear!

I have lots of vacationing coming up. First we are going to the beach with my parents, Jason, Lindsey and Ava for a week! Then I head to Mexico for my precious friend Hilary's wedding. This is her and her fiance, Drew! I am so excited for them and super pumped about spending 5 days relaxing in Mexico with my girlfriends and getting to be a part of Hil's wedding festivities!
Blogging is really becoming difficult for me since we got our new computer. I don't know what I keep doing but I accidently hit something that deletes everything I've done whether it's a blog or a long email I've written. This is my 2nd attempt at writing this blog, cause just as I was about to publish earlier it deleted the whole thing. So ANNOYING! I wish I could figure out what I am doing, it's driving me crazy!