Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New House and trip to Abilene

Here are a few pics of our new house. We still have lots of projects, unpacking, and decorating to do...but we are loving it! It is so peaceful and quiet out here. Behind our house is a protected wooded area and we see deer behind our fence all the time. Last night one ran out in front of my car (but i saw it in time to slow down thankfully) into the neighborhood...not sure where he was going?! I have been exploring all the jogging trails in the neighborhood and loving the serenity of it all!Last week Josiah and I rode up with Jay and the youth group to Abilene....I have such a fond place in my heart for that old town! Anyways, they were going to Kadesh and we went to stay with Jason and Lindsey. We had so much fun...unfortunately Linds and I did not get one pic together...horrible! If you haven't been to ACU recently you need to go see it sometime! They have made the campus so beautiful with a nice jogging trail with scriptures engraved in the ground...a sculpture of Jacob's Dream, a meditation/prayer garden, a pond thingy. They totally redid the Bean and library and added a few new buildings! It looks awesome...totally beautified! Linds took us on a tour of everything one day. I went to some of the Kadesh devos, but mainly we just hung out with Linds, it was great sister time! Too bad we have no pics together! =(

Jacob's cool!

One day I decided to walk up to Canjun Cones to meet Jay and his wasn't far but it was sooo hot. Josiah's little cheeks were bright red by the time we got there. He loved his Canjun Cone...although it was just ice...I think he was so happy to have something to cool him down!We went out to the farm to see my Grandma at the beginning of the week. It was so good to see her, Lindsey got to tell her she is pregnant and Grandma had so much fun with Josiah. She is almost 91 yrs old and was crawling around chasing Josiah! She cooked us quite the feast, she amazes was a day well spent!
Josiah loved her dog Trixie...they played together the whole time, I was a little nervous they might have an unpleasant encounter but Trixie just loved on Josiah even when Josiah grabbed her face like in the picture below!

While we were in Abilene....
Josiah got a 2nd tooth!
Learned to pull up to standing!
And started throwing all out temper tantrums...
Apparantely Jay did this as a baby too...but if you tell him no or take away a toy, he throws his head back onto the ground and screams while scooting backwards with his legs....I have had to turn away so he didn't see me laughing...but it is so ridiculous! I think Jay and I will be earning our stripes with this little man!


Jill said...

I don't believe that sweet little thing could possibly throw a temper tantrum!

I love your house, it's beautiful!

Laura said...

Your house is adorable! Your Grandma is such a treasure! Those are great memories!

The DeLongchamp Family said...

Love the update! Josiah is too cute!