Saturday night we had Josiah's 1st Birthday Party! It was so much fun! Josiah loves animals so we did a safari/jungle animal theme and I think it turned out adorable!
My mom and I decorated the lion cupcakes and had so much fun doing it!

And my sweet mom made his cake too! She did an awesome cute!

Family pic with the birthday man himself! He was so enthralled by all the hype we couldn't get him to look at the camera!

We played a game where some of the kids at the party got to choose an adult to chug a baby bottle full of coke. Whoever chugged the bottle and burped the fastest was the winner. Problem was I used slow flow nipples and we could hardly even get an ounce was pretty funny!

Cake Time!

Jay's encouraging him to dig in and I am in the process of trying to show him how it's done! I may have eaten more of his cake then he did!

He wasn't real sure what to do with it at first...

Then he realized it was real fun to play with...

As you can tell by the super messy tray and relatively clean face...he preferred playing with it over eating it!

Opening presents!

New wagon from Yaya and Pappa Bear! Josiah loves this!

Playing with his Kiddijamz music studio/mixing table, one of the gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Blackburn...this gift was a really big hit with the kids at the party!
(side note: I don't have a pic of Jay's parents b/c they are on his mom's camera and she has been dealing with her dad being in the hospital this week. Please say a prayer for Jay's Papa to recover fully and quickly.)
Playing with more new toys!

These were his favorite things to play with...he opened these as part of an instrument set towards the beginning of gifts and carried them around for the rest of the party...and since the party he still carries them around banging on any surface that he can find! Future drummer in the making?!

After watching us sweep up the deck after cake, Josiah decided to bring the broom inside and sweep in there too!
Such a big helper...wants to help even on his big day!

We had such a blast celebrating our little man's 1st year of life! He had fun too and was his usual happy and charming self making the event all the more fun!