Our big boy actually turned 11 months while we were on our cruise. He turns one in less than two wks...I can't believe it! I've got his party pretty much planned and can't wait to see him covered in cake!
He is just so much fun now...every new stage just keeps getting better and better! He started really walking just before our cruise at about 10 1/2 months...and now he is running! He is like the tazmanian devil whirling through the house now. I can't believe how the area of mess I have to pick up has exploded now that can walk and carry items all over the house. I find stuff in every room and corner he can squeeze into!
He has learned to clap and stomp to "If you're happy and you know it" and if you ad lib high fives he will do those too! Blowing kisses and waving bye bye is definitely in his repertoire of skills now but he will only do those when he feels like it. He is a little boy with a mind of his own! He has 7 teeth and is working on 8 and 9 I think. He plays the drop it and watch you pick it up game with anyone who he can pull it off on and says "uh-oh" when he drops something!
He is still busy busy! One day I was in the kitchen and I turned around and found this...I have no idea how he got up there and he has since done it a few times but I have yet to see him do it! He also has this weird fascination with NASA, seriously anytime Jay has the NASA channel on...Josiah is glued to it...future astronaut?!
He is an all or nothing kind of guy...he doesn't just play with his toys he has to be IN his toys!
He is an all or nothing kind of guy...he doesn't just play with his toys he has to be IN his toys!
We tried the snack trap for about a week. But as you can see in picture below instead of reaching in and pulling one cheerio out at a time he would stick his whole hand in there and walk around for hours if we'd allow it with his snack trap on one hand and his lovey(blanky) on the other. Cheerios would fall out everywhere and a meltdown would ensue when we tried to take it off his hand...bye bye snack trap!
Josiah loves the park! I've taken him to one by our house a few times but it's hard to get pics when I'm by myself and chasing him around. YaYa and I took him to the park across the street from her house the other night, it had rained earlier that day so it was kind of wet and muddy...but he had a blast and we got some cute pics!
Good stuff! You're right, it only keeps getting better!
ahhh so much fun! glad you guys are doing so well.
that snack trap thing is hilarious. :)
WE can't believe how big he has gotten!! We can't wait to see him this weekend. You guys coming is such a treat! WE love you!
He is so adorable. I can't wait to see what you've got planned for the party. I can't believe it's just right around the corner, where has the time gone.... Weren't you just giving me birthing tips like yesterday???
Can't believe he's going to be a year! FYI... we loved the snack trap, but not until they got a little older. :) He may do better with it down the road. Mandy was the one who introduced me to the snack trap!
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