Sunday, March 14, 2010


Our computer died on us a few wks ago and I actually really enjoyed not having one...the only thing I truly missed was being able to check weather and look up directions and phone numbers real quickly. Other than that I loved spending time doing other things non-computer related. Plus it takes me forever to write a blog and I hate giving up time to blog when there is so much else I could and need to be once we got a new computer I just was not in a hurry to do a catch up blog. I've decided I will be blogging much less now.
Pics at end of post! Sorry some of the pics are sideways...I can't figure out my new computer pic program...I rotated them but they still uploaded sideways?!
We have been spending lots of time outdoors lately. Josiah loves it outside and has started bringing his shoes to us and saying "side?" He loves to explore the yard, pull bark off the trees, find muddy spots to get messy in, examine bushes, pine cones, grass, chase the squirrels (who let him get surprisingly close before they run away). And he got a sandbox/picnic table(pictured below) that he is having a blast with. We are hoping to build a swing set very soon also!

He is starting to say a lot of words and even string a few together from time to time. He is so much fun!

A few funny stories:

A few wks ago at church Josiah heard one of the youth kids say "dang" and what do you know...he immediately repeats it...which the youth kids standing around laughed hysterically at and so Josiah continued to repeat it over and over again...we were so thrilled! The next morning he fell and hit his head on the sofa and I thought he said "done" and I thought it was wierd that he said that in that moment...then a few minutes later he fell down several more times and each time he did he said "dang"...I couldn't believe it...thankfully he has quit saying that word because we gave no reaction to it and we don't say it. But we have definitely entered into the stage of having to watch closely everything we say cause he is really starting to be a little parrot.

One afternoon Josiah had been asking Jay to take him outside and Jay was busy doing something so he put him off a few minutes. When he finally opened the back door Josiah ran out and stood on the deck and with arms outstretched and face to the sky he took a deep breath through his nose and as he let it out said "yay!"

One morning we got him up and he was poopy, normally when we change his diaper in the mornings he has a huge fit, but this morning when we changed him, he layed there calmly and then when we finished he said "yay!" Poor baby...probably slept in poop all night!

He has a new "inspector" walk. He clasps his hands behind his back and bends forward slightly and walks around inspecting things. We have no idea where this came from but it's pretty comical.

Other recents:

He has one molar in and another pushing through...they've been rough!

So far it looks like we aren't going to have to put tubes in his ears after all!

He has discovered his belly button and he is constantly lifting his shirt to find it and then he wants to lift your shirt too and find yours...and he doesn't mind doing this to anyone he gets the urge to do it to...we are working on teaching him boundaries! ha

Here are some pics...

One afternoon I heard the guitar coming from the play room and it was just us to at I went back there and found him on the couch like this just strumming away. He loves the guitar!

He LOVES wearing his daddy's hat lately...won't wear his own but Daddy's anytime! He even will put it on and go look in the mirror...too cute!


Jill said...

He looks like such a truly sweet boy. I love his innocent face! I have missed you, too!! Oh yeah, and I definitely feel ya with the parrot thing.