Jay and I on his first Father's Day! I think he has the daddy glow! =)
So, for some interesting updates....as you can probably see in the first pic of Jay and I on Father's Day, my cheeks are looking a little fuller these days. That would be due to the 16lbs I've gained so far in the pregnancy! Yup you heard me...yikes huh?! I apparantely went a little crazy the past 5 wks and am going to have to slow it down a little. So this week I have been really good on restraining from sweets that I crave morning, noon, and night...my motivation has been that tonight we are going to this wonderful BBQ place to celebrate Father's Day with my dad and they have an incredible cobbler there that I must have! All is good in moderation, right?!
Jay and I are continuing to fall more and more in love with our little guy. The more we are able to feel and see him move, the more we bond with him. A sweet friend of ours gave us our first baby books...Goodnight Moon and Dear Zoo...Jay has started reading to Josiah at night and every time Jay starts reading, Josiah starts kicking! It is so sweet. I have been able to see my belly moving when Josiah moves for a few weeks now. But the other night was the first time Jay and I sat on the couch together with my shirt pulled up just laughing as we watched our little guy bumping and kicking around in my belly. So fun!
On a sad note...I got the for sure thumbs down from my doc on going to one of my bestest friend's, Sarah's, wedding in Iowa at the end of September. I will be 36 wks prego on her big day and doc says no traveling anymore at that point! Not only have none of us girls ever missed a wedding of each other's...we are always in the wedding. I am so sad. =( She will be a beautiful bride, we are trying to get creative on how I can somehow watch the wedding via telecast or something as it is happening.
On a happy note...Jay's new job is going well, he is getting great training! My case load at work is picking up and relieving some of my boredom with paperwork...praise God! I talked with my boss this week about my plan to stay home as long as possible after the baby is born before I come back on contract basis only, it went over very well. Josiah is healthy....life is good!
SAD about missing the wedding...but I'm sure you guys can come up with something! But besides that it sounds like every aspect of your and Jay's life is being blessed like crazy!!! EXCITING!! :)
Can't wait to meet little Josiah! What is Jay's new job?
lucky me, i made your blog! i really wish we'd gotten a photo of us together...next time (when josiah can be in the picture too!). your hair is adorable!!! and your cheeks are too :) get some rest! love you.
ps- cah-uuuute bangs!!!
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