Jay, Jamie and Josiah
Posted by Jamie at 3:35 PM 4 comments
Yes...it's true...and I've been awake since about 3:30am or so. The past two nights I just can't seem to sleep all through the night. I am not uncomfortable, just can't sleep. It may be partially due to hunger, last night I didn't feel hungry so I just tried to lay there and go back to sleep, but tonight I did so I just ate a snack and now feel wired. God's way of preparing me for nighttime feedings maybe?! Josiah seems to be getting more active at night now too, although I think maybe I am just noticing it more b/c I am laying there awake whereas normally I am sleeping through his little movements.
FYI- I passed the gestational diabetes test and am not anemic! Woo hoo!
Tomorrow I am off to Dallas to see my precious girlfriends, Hilary, Sarah, and Meredith! I can't wait to see them, we are going to have so much fun. I am sure there will be lots of pics to come from this weekend. I guess I am going to head back to bed and see if I can go back to sleep for an hour or so. Good morning to any of you mommies who are up reading this already! =) Just a short time until I join you!
Posted by Jamie at 2:37 AM 2 comments
Wow! I can't believe the count down is under 100 days now...I think it is going to fly by from here on out. Or at least I hope it does, I always hear pregnant mom's talking about how the last few wks seem to just drag on forever, I can see how that could happen too. You are big, uncomfortable, and anxiously awaiting the arrival of the most precious little gift of life you've been waiting so long to meet! I have been trying to pass the time quickly in mind by thinking through all the fun stuff I have to look forward to over the next month or so. Next weekend I go to Dallas to see my precious girls from college. The week after that is a big one, I get my shot of Rho Gam on Tuesday, start our Cradle Club (childbirth and preparation classes) on Thursday, my First Colony shower is Saturday morning, and Saturday evening is my cousin Bethany's lingerie shower. I will probably spend the next week recooping from all the activity, and then August 9th is another shower that the sweet gals from Christian Surfers are throwing me. August will be busy with finishing up the nursery, finishing my cradle club classes, finding a pediatrician, etc. By then I will be seeing my OB twice a month!Come mid September I will be seeing her once a wk! So...it's all getting close!
I took the 1 hr Gestational Diabetes test yesterday and will find out tomorrow if I passed or not. Since I am hypoglycemic I am interested to see the outcome. I'll let ya know! Belly pics to come soon from those who have been asking! I can tell I've grown, mainly my belly has moved up as my uterus has grown, it takes up almost my whole torso now. In fact, as I am writing Josiah is kicking me in the ribs....not painful but kind of awkward feeling. He is constantly moving these days, I am aware of him all day long. He gave the doctor quite a show yesterday. She was starting to ask if he was moving a lot while she was putting the dop tone on my belly. As soon as the words left her lips he started bouncing my whole belly, the doc said, "Wow, I could see, feel, and hear that! That is one happy baby!" I just love my little guy!
Posted by Jamie at 4:28 PM 3 comments