So...I have lots of updates and pics to share! First off, here are some pics from my weekend with my girls in Dallas. We had such an awesome time as always and managed to pack in live music at a coffee bar Friday night, a trip to the farmer's market Saturday morning, followed by a baby shower luncheon for me and Josiah, and a relaxed evening grilling out by the pool at Hilary's apartment...oh and... two movies a game of Cranium, and of course lots of soul talk and laughing until we cried!
Me, Mere, Hilary, and Sarah
It was the first time they had seen my prego belly in person and they all got to feel him move!
Hil was my roomie for 2 yrs in college!
Good times...Mere making us laugh!
Sarah and I at the restaurant for my baby shower!

Next....this past weekend I had my first baby shower! A group of precious ladies from my home church hosted the shower and it was surfer baby themed! They went all out and it was SO cute! My cousin's wife Jen gave a blessing to Jay, Josiah, and I...there couldn't have been a more perfect person to give it. I have always looked up to her and Bret and admired what wonderful parents they are, needless to say hearing words of wisdom and exhortation from her was very dear to me. Then my sweet sister prayed a powerful prayer over us, it was precious and moved me tears! (Surprise surprise...I asked for tissue before she even started!) I was overwhelmed and humbled by the whole day, so many people came and sent gifts...we were blessed beyond measure and showered with so much love! Thank you everyone for sharing in my joy and blessing us with such generosity! Here are some pics from the shower....
Before the shower

Pics of some of the hostesses...the ones wearing lays!

If you blow this up you can see it is magnets of Jay and I and a laughing baby!

A few pics of gifts

All of my family gathered around me while Lindsey prayed! Check out the J.A. B. intials framed on the mantel...they made them for us to match his bedding! I love them!
What a fun and sweet day! Later that evening we also had a lingerie party for my cousin was lots of fun and we all got to wear PJ's!

As for an update on how I am feeling...still pretty good, the 3rd trimester fatigue has definitely set in and I am needing lots more sleep like I did in the first trimester again. It could have something to do with how busy I have been lately too! I now carry TUMS with me at all times because heartburn has become a frequent companion of mine. And still having some difficulty sleeping at night. In spite of all that, I still feel like I don't have much to complain about...I have really had a great pregnancy...this is just the normal stuff so I hear! =) We started our childbirthing classes last week and got to watch some very graphic videos of births...yikes! The nursery is almost complete minus hanging shelves and pics on the walls, clothes are washed in the closet, there is a bassinet in my bedroom and a pack n play in our living room... it's all starting to get so real!

Finally, here are the updated belly pics...28 wks (and four days to be exact)!

yeah for the update!! you described all the events so sweet and so well. I love the new belly pics. I miss you! I hate the week or so following after we have had quality time together. Dang it! Why don't we live closer? Anyways we need a phone date soon and I am excited to hear about your Clear Lake shower. Love you my favorite and bestest! I miss looking at Jo-man regularly as well! Tear.
your getting so beeg! What a blessing~ no~ what BLESSINGS you are recieving! surrounded by good friends and encouraging people who are so happy for you! i am so glad for you two! love you girl <3
ps LOVE the updates! keep em comin ;)
Yes, I love having all that baby stuff in my house! I don't get to set up a nursery b/c we are moving right after he's born so all his stuff is in the guest b.r. and I go in there every night and look at all his little clothes and toys and it is so much fun! How are you feeling? I'm glad you had such a good shower!!!
you doing okay? no posts lately, just thought i'd check. how's mr. josiah?
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