Saturday, June 27, 2009

Josiah's Big News!

Due sometime towards the end of February we think! I go to the doctor on July 7th and should find out the exact due date then. We had difficulty getting pregnant with Josiah so we were shocked how quickly this one came. Jay and I were quite surprised but couldn't be more excited, although it was a little sooner than we expected we know this baby was PLANNED by God to arrive in His perfect timing and we can't wait to meet this new precious one!

February will be a big month for our family...with Lindsey having her baby just weeks before ours! Neither of us know our exact due date yet so it will be interesting to find out just how close together we will be having these babies! Linds and I always talked about how it would be cool to be pregnant at the same time...I never dreamed it would be this time around and so close fun! Our kiddos will all be so close in age, they will have such a blast growing up together. Josiah will only be 16 months when baby #2 comes along, it is going to be quite the adventure for us!

Please keep both of our pregnancies and babies in your prayers!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Jay and Josiah's 1st Father's Day pic!
(I love my handsome boys!)
Jay is an AMAZING daddy! I am so blessed to have him as my partner in raising children. He is such a natural with Josiah, makes things so fun, is so affectionate, is crazy about his boy, and is a HUGE help to me when it comes to all the daily "taking care" stuff like making/feeding bottles, diaper changing, bathing, feeding, dressing, entertaining Josiah so I can have a break....even getting up in the night sometimes with him!
Here is proof from this morning!
Josiah wasn't feeling well last night and was up a Jay took the early morning shift...this is how I found them when I woke up...too precious not to capture it...unfortunately I woke them up with the flash!Is that not also evidence of how much Josiah loves his daddy? That arm wrapped around his neck is a signature sleep position when Daddy is holding him! He loves to cuddle with him and when Jay walks into the room Josiah is grinning ear to ear and jirating with excitement!

Buddies for life...I love it!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

World of Wonders

Josiah has been so much fun lately! He is curious about everything and getting into everything too now that he is crawling and pulling up on things. My mom, sis, and I went to the mall on Thursday and Josiah got to have his first ride on a carousel! I started off with him in my lap on one of the ponies but the attendant told me I couldn't ride on it with him. So I ended up just standing next to him holding him...this was no easy task...the thing was spinning pretty fast for a I was trying to hold on so I didn't fall off and hold him as the pony went up and down and he was wobbling every was pretty intense! And he wasn't real sure what he thought of it. He didn't act excited, happy, or scared, just kind of stared and looked around the whole time. What does get him excited these days though is getting into anything he is not supposed to be into...lamp cords, wood blinds, fireplace screen, toilet paper.....

And he loves the outdoors. He will go to our back door and try and pull up on it like he is trying to get out. And as soon as we open the door he starts jirating with excitement in our arms or if he is on the floor he is out on the deck in a split second discovering leaves, bugs and pine needles, etc. And don't even think about taking him away from his outdoor haven without at least a minor meltdown!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New House and trip to Abilene

Here are a few pics of our new house. We still have lots of projects, unpacking, and decorating to do...but we are loving it! It is so peaceful and quiet out here. Behind our house is a protected wooded area and we see deer behind our fence all the time. Last night one ran out in front of my car (but i saw it in time to slow down thankfully) into the neighborhood...not sure where he was going?! I have been exploring all the jogging trails in the neighborhood and loving the serenity of it all!Last week Josiah and I rode up with Jay and the youth group to Abilene....I have such a fond place in my heart for that old town! Anyways, they were going to Kadesh and we went to stay with Jason and Lindsey. We had so much fun...unfortunately Linds and I did not get one pic together...horrible! If you haven't been to ACU recently you need to go see it sometime! They have made the campus so beautiful with a nice jogging trail with scriptures engraved in the ground...a sculpture of Jacob's Dream, a meditation/prayer garden, a pond thingy. They totally redid the Bean and library and added a few new buildings! It looks awesome...totally beautified! Linds took us on a tour of everything one day. I went to some of the Kadesh devos, but mainly we just hung out with Linds, it was great sister time! Too bad we have no pics together! =(

Jacob's cool!

One day I decided to walk up to Canjun Cones to meet Jay and his wasn't far but it was sooo hot. Josiah's little cheeks were bright red by the time we got there. He loved his Canjun Cone...although it was just ice...I think he was so happy to have something to cool him down!We went out to the farm to see my Grandma at the beginning of the week. It was so good to see her, Lindsey got to tell her she is pregnant and Grandma had so much fun with Josiah. She is almost 91 yrs old and was crawling around chasing Josiah! She cooked us quite the feast, she amazes was a day well spent!
Josiah loved her dog Trixie...they played together the whole time, I was a little nervous they might have an unpleasant encounter but Trixie just loved on Josiah even when Josiah grabbed her face like in the picture below!

While we were in Abilene....
Josiah got a 2nd tooth!
Learned to pull up to standing!
And started throwing all out temper tantrums...
Apparantely Jay did this as a baby too...but if you tell him no or take away a toy, he throws his head back onto the ground and screams while scooting backwards with his legs....I have had to turn away so he didn't see me laughing...but it is so ridiculous! I think Jay and I will be earning our stripes with this little man!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Back in the Game!

Hello all! It's been a crazy and eventful month but we are starting to get settled finally and just got our internet hooked up again yesterday! So much has happened this past month, here is a brief summary of the main events:
First, here is a pic to tide you over until you get to the end of the post!

Us on Mother's Day!
back to the recent happenings....

1) My sister Lindsey is PREGNANT!!! We are so excited for her and Jason and can't wait to meet our neice or nephew...Josiah will have his 1st cousin!

2)We've been in our house 2 wks now and are loving it...still have lots of projects going on here and there but are settled for the most part.

3)We are getting plugged in at the church and continue to just feel so blessed to be part of such a loving congregation that truly seeks the heart of God. The youth kids and parents are awesome and everyone LOVES Josiah!

4)Josiah is on his way to 8 mos old and had many firsts this month!
  • Sat himself up from lying down on Mothers Day!
  • Pulls himself to knees and can stand alone holding on to something
  • Crawling for a couple of weeks now and getting into EVERYTHING...we have been baby proofing like crazy and changing his diaper or clothes makes me wish I was an octopus!
  • First Tooth...felt it popping through yesterday!
  • First time swimming! He loved it!
  • First night away from mommy and daddy =( We had tile torn up and new tile put in the house before we moved in but we moved in in such a rush that we didn't have time to clean thoroughly prior to moving in...Josiah got so sick and we thought it was from all the dust in the house so we took him to my parents for one night and a day so that we could clean like crazy and make the air more breathable...but then Jay and I both got sick too so I really think it was a cold we passed around.
  • Started going all night without eating and sometimes sleeps 10-12 hrs with no waking!
  • I weened him completely this week, he is on Soy formula now... it was kind of sad...but I am super excited to be able to eat dairy and nuts again!
  • Waved bye-bye...only a few times and never on command, it's only when it's his idea!
  • Started giving lots of voluntary hugs and sweet!

Now for more pics...
Papa Bear letting Josiah play his guitar! Josiah LOVES his Papa and is fascinated by his guitar!My good friend from college is now one neighborhood away from me! She and her baby girl came to play yesterday, it was so much fun!

Today we went to a play group at Market Street in the Woodlands and the kids played in the fountains. Josiah kept crawling right on top of the fountain just as it would shoot up and he wasn't sure what to think about that!
Going to the play group today made me think of my girlfriends back on Mabry Mill...I miss our playdates and miss you girls!

Josiah is so much fun and everyday my heart swells with even more love for's crazy how much you can love a person and yet it keeps growing...there are no bounds!