Monday, July 20, 2009

9 Months old and busy busy busy!

Our little man is 9 months old now and is one busy little boy!
I am not kidding the boy is NEVER still unless he is sleeping! The movement is non-stop and he is FAST! We can't take our eyes off of him for two seconds or he is in to some kind of mischief. We are having so much fun with our little explorer. Yesterday he stood himself up without pulling up on something twice and one time he took a step towards the couch! I was shocked!!! I have a feeling walking is just around the corner...time will tell! Lately he has been imitating sounds and words a lot. He clicks his tongue constantly and when we read one of his books to him and make a spitting noise for a camel he clicks his tongue to copy! He roars for a lion sometimes and laughs when we make monkey noises. The other day my mom and dad were telling him their drinks were "hot!" and he said "hot!" He imitated me saying "yum, yum, yum" yesterday...and he says "dada" constantly now and occasionally "mama" when he wants something. He is really getting his pincher grasp down and loves cheerios and is still a great eater all around. He has two bottom teeth and I can see two top ones starting to push through and one more bottom one. He is just growing up so fast! He is such a joy!
Crawling through his box tunnel daddy made him when we were unpacking a few things last weekend...he loved it but yesterday he had so much fun playing with it he demolished it!
All this exploring must be hard work...he fell asleep mid meal last night!
Is this not all boy? This is how he was napping this morning!
We are so in love with our little Josiah!
As for us...Jay just got back from a week at Bandina, his first Bandina experience and he really liked it. We really missed him though and are glad he is home for a few days before he goes on another trip. I am feeling pretty good, I am a little over 8 wks now and very very tired and have had some mild queasiness but nothing to complain about really. Just when we've adjusted to the idea that we are about to have #2 something happens that makes reality set in and it is still kind of shocking! But nonethless we are so excited to have another baby and feel so very blessed!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The 4th!

We had a great Fourth of July! My parents and Mandy, the other youth minister at our church, came over and we just grilled hamburgers, ate my mom's yummy potato salad that I requested to satisfy a serious craving, and made homemade ice cream. Josiah and my dad went swimming in Josiah's little pool and after Josiah went to bed we played washers. We skipped out on fireworks this year cause with Josiah normally going to bed at 6pm he would have been so overtired by the time 9pm rolled around that the firework experience may have been less than pleasant!

He was at times more interested in the grass than swimming! He is such an outdoor boy!
Papa Bear teaching him how to float!

Just having a ball!

I can play washers too!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Early Prego

I had an ultrasound today that confirmed I am 6 wks 3 days pregnant...due Feb 27, 2010! I thought I was really early but that was even earlier than I had expected. That means I found out I was prego at like 3 wks. Crazy! Anyways, all is good...we heard the heartbeat and saw the baby. And I am excited about my new OB she reminds me a lot of my OB that delivered Josiah...who I am so sad to not get to use again but the drive is just too far now.

Praise God for healthy babies for both Linds and I! I am due almost exactly 1 month after her. Please continue praying for us and both of our babies!

I have pics to post of the 4th...later. Right now I am going to sleep while Josiah is napping!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Josiah vs. the Vacuum Cleaner

This morning Josiah had his first run-in with the vacuum cleaner. (Clarifying--Not his first meeting with the vacuum...I do clean my house regularly--just his first unpleasant encounter). So Josiah was happily watching his Baby Neptune video and playing in the living room floor. I came out of my room with the vacuum and started working on the living room. Upon my entry into the room Josiah pulled himself up on the ottoman to get a better look at what was going on and his eyes were glued to the vacuum cleaner from that point on. At first it was a look of curious uncertainty on his face but as I rounded the sofa towards where he was observing his eyes continued to grow wider and wider. As I started pushing the vacuum towards his toys a look of utter determination came over his face and he started charging the vacuum in the fastest crawl I have ever seen until he came to an abrupt halt just before he reached it. I stopped to see what he was going to do...the brave little man was shaking like a leaf from head to toe reaching his hand slowly towards the vacuum...he touched it and jumped back still staring wide eyed at it and shaking. He was clearly scared to death but was trying to be brave and protect his toys! I started to move around him and that's when the tears came and his arms flew up for me to pick him up. I ended up vacuuming the rest of the house with him in one arm and the vacuum in the other...never knew I could accomplish such a feat! Maybe handling two babies come February won't be so challenging after all! One can hope right?!