Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Josiah vs. the Vacuum Cleaner

This morning Josiah had his first run-in with the vacuum cleaner. (Clarifying--Not his first meeting with the vacuum...I do clean my house regularly--just his first unpleasant encounter). So Josiah was happily watching his Baby Neptune video and playing in the living room floor. I came out of my room with the vacuum and started working on the living room. Upon my entry into the room Josiah pulled himself up on the ottoman to get a better look at what was going on and his eyes were glued to the vacuum cleaner from that point on. At first it was a look of curious uncertainty on his face but as I rounded the sofa towards where he was observing his eyes continued to grow wider and wider. As I started pushing the vacuum towards his toys a look of utter determination came over his face and he started charging the vacuum in the fastest crawl I have ever seen until he came to an abrupt halt just before he reached it. I stopped to see what he was going to do...the brave little man was shaking like a leaf from head to toe reaching his hand slowly towards the vacuum...he touched it and jumped back still staring wide eyed at it and shaking. He was clearly scared to death but was trying to be brave and protect his toys! I started to move around him and that's when the tears came and his arms flew up for me to pick him up. I ended up vacuuming the rest of the house with him in one arm and the vacuum in the other...never knew I could accomplish such a feat! Maybe handling two babies come February won't be so challenging after all! One can hope right?!


Unknown said...

He is so brave! I though for sure he would be terrified of the vacuum! Aren't you the one that hate's how vacuum's sound? That is so cute that he wanted to save his toy! I love him!

Jill said...

Handling 2 babies in February? Am I seriously missing something here? I was going to comment on this adorable post and the images swirling through my mind of your brave little boy, but now I'm just bewildered.

Jill said...

AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I finally just read your last post/announcement. YAY! Congratulations! I think it will be so much fun having your kids close in age. You and Lindsey and the little ones will all be in my prayers. I'm sooo excited!

Jason and Lindsey said...

LOL!!:) So cute! I loved the description and can't stop picturing the encounter in my head! He is so brave and so boy! Can't stop laughing. I wish that had been on video. Also, way to go strong mamma!

Unknown said...

A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do! (and that includes protecting your stuff!)