Tuesday, January 26, 2010
My sweet Niece...Miss Ava Reese!
Posted by Jamie at 2:37 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Last Weekend in Pics and 15 mos update!
Grandpa Jack showing Josiah the fish in the aquarium!

Love that face!

He was pretty intrigued by "the volcano"!

Checking out the elephants! When we first got there he was a little freaked out by the thundering and all the loud animals, but he quickly warmed up to it and got really excited each time it happened by the end!

Posted by Jamie at 5:53 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
A story and a blessing!
So I just discovered our first crayon on the furniture incident! I bought Josiah his first crayons on Monday(previously he just used markers, pencils, etc. cause that's what we had around). I always put him in his highchair to color in order to keep the coloring contained and except for a few colored pencil markings on the tile from when he drops the pencils this has been a successful feat ...until Monday apparently! After he finished coloring and I got him out of his highchair unbeknownst to me he somehow managed to hold onto the black crayon. I found him still clutching it a just few short minutes later and at a quick sweeping glance determined no creative coloring had been done anywhere. Today as I was on my knees getting a ball out from under the end table I found his lovely artwork...two large black crayon scribbles on the side of the sofa! Thankfully a little incredible and a rag did the trick and it came out easily! I had to chuckle a little knowing this little first won't be the last, especially since Jay and I both had some infamous coloring on walls and furniture incidents as children.
I wanna brag on the leadership in our church for a minute now! Last night Jay and I attended an elder appreciation dinner, it was mainly staff and elders and spouses in attendance. It was such a neat evening. The purpose of the evening was to honor our elders for their Christlike leadership in our church. The staff members had all written some words of appreciation for each elder and named a fruit of the Spirit that they most thought of when thinking about that particular elder. All the words written by each staff member were compiled into one letter and our preacher read them over each elder one by one. Being somewhat new to the church it was so neat to hear more about each elders character and the fruit they were most known for. I was moved to tears just listening to it all...partly because our preacher was choked up and seeing someone else cry is about all it takes for me to start blubbering, but mainly because I was overwhelmed and humbled to be a part of such a loving, encouraging, and unified group of leaders. At the end of the night, Carl (our preacher) described our group as having "miraculous unity even with all our diversity" and one the way home we discussed how this is how God intended it to be in His church. I wish so much this is how it always was in every church body...can you imagine how the gates of hell would be pushed back as a completely unified church made a powerful difference in our communities? That they (the world) would know us by our love...that's my prayer today! I am so very thankful and totally humbled God has allowed us to be a part of His church and that He has faithfully guided us to where we are!
Posted by Jamie at 10:39 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Years Day at the ZOO!

He was also quite captivated by this Baboon! This thing was kind of tempramental...he kept coming right up to the fence, staring us in the eyes and bowing up a little!

The zoo had some new lady lions, the male and all the females were out and in plain view so Josiah was pretty intrigued!

Last but certainly not least...be sure to check out the video below of the monkeys! This was the highlight of the day. I forgot what these monkeys were called Siamung or something...I dunno...but when we were watching the baboon from above we kept hearing these really loud monkey noises and couldn't figure out what it was coming from. We rounded the corner and saw a huge crowd of people standing around this one cage and staring up at these three monkeys and everyone was cracking up. These little monkeys stole the show, they were like egging eachother on it seemed like! Apparantely they are the loudest primates in the world...their call can be heard over a mile away and can last for 20 minutes...and we witnessed the truth behind that fact! The males call out over and over followed by a cry from the female that sounds different. And their throats blow up huge when they make the noise...which is what amplifies the sound so much. Josiah sat in his stroller for about 10 minutes mesmerized by the show...that is a LONG time for him to sit and be interested in something! So if you wanna go see them...supposedly they do this every morning at dawn and then again just before lunch.
Anyways, the video doesn't do it justice cause you can't hear one of the low pitched calls very well or tell how loud it really was but check it out...pretty funny!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Posted by Jamie at 12:44 PM 3 comments
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Christmas All Around!
You might not feel this way after looking at all these pictures...but I didn't really do a great job of capturing it all on film! =( I have lots of certain events and none of others. I have learned I am not the best photographer when I am crazy busy and trying to juggle lots at one time...I guess this is an area of multitasking in which I score an NI (Needs Improvement)!
This was just before we headed out to the Progressive Dinner with church peeps!

Josiah's rocking horse...cleverly named "rocket" by Jay...from his Grandpa and Freckles. He is so cute with it...he pets it and kisses it just about as much as he rides it, he also has a fascination with flipping it over!
Josiah and Keller at the family reunion...Keller is a distant cousin of some sort, he and Josiah had a blast playing together at the party. Keller is a little older and had the sharing thing down better than Josiah, he let Josiah draw with him and was very patient when Josiah repeatedly tried to take the pen Keller had even though he had his own...we are working on sharing!
Christmas Eve at my parents
YaYa gave Josiah PJ's...they read "What Santa doesn't bring me Grandma will" This proved very true the next morning! =)
Linds (my preger sis...far right) and cousins Bethany and Kayla! Love these girls!

Posted by Jamie at 4:58 PM 2 comments