Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas All Around!

We celebrated Christmas for a good solid month this year! Every weekend we had some sort of Christmas celebration, we had a progressive dinner at church one weekend, a staff Christmas party another, a Christmas dinner with our for us and one where we took food to the homeless in our area, a friends Christmas party, family Christmas with Jay's side of the fam followed by their annual big family Christmas party/reunion and finally the Christmas Eve candlelight service at our church followed by Christmas Eve and Day at my parents house! On top of all that we also celebrated 4 family members birthdays in the month of December! It was a very busy but very fun month!

You might not feel this way after looking at all these pictures...but I didn't really do a great job of capturing it all on film! =( I have lots of certain events and none of others. I have learned I am not the best photographer when I am crazy busy and trying to juggle lots at one time...I guess this is an area of multitasking in which I score an NI (Needs Improvement)!

This was just before we headed out to the Progressive Dinner with church peeps!

This is Josiah's Christmas gift to his grandma's in the making....stationary with his handprints on the front...I made an assembly line in the bathtub for this messy project. He was surprisingly cooperative! Must be cause he loves his YaYa and Freckles so much! INSERT HERE:pics of our family Christmas with Jay's family at Brandon and Brittnie's. All the pics we took are on other people's cameras...we did the videoing. Send me some pics everyone so I can add them!

Josiah's rocking horse...cleverly named "rocket" by Jay...from his Grandpa and Freckles. He is so cute with it...he pets it and kisses it just about as much as he rides it, he also has a fascination with flipping it over!

Josiah and Keller at the family reunion...Keller is a distant cousin of some sort, he and Josiah had a blast playing together at the party. Keller is a little older and had the sharing thing down better than Josiah, he let Josiah draw with him and was very patient when Josiah repeatedly tried to take the pen Keller had even though he had his own...we are working on sharing!

Christmas Eve at my parents

YaYa gave Josiah PJ's...they read "What Santa doesn't bring me Grandma will" This proved very true the next morning! =)

Linds (my preger sis...far right) and cousins Bethany and Kayla! Love these girls!

Christmas PJ's... This pic has been a tradition in our fam for many years now!

Christmas morning...Josiah got things started bright and early!
Discovering some of his gifts! He was super excited about the bubble mower! He later tried to get in his cozy coupe while holding still holding onto the mower.

He pretty much stayed excited all morning!

All the men took him to the park later that day...he looks so proud to be hanging out with the big guys in this pic!
Josiah likes to try and climb back up the slide in order to go down it again!

Jay has been off since Christmas so we've been spending a lot of time playing outside with all of Josiah's new toys!

Stay tuned for the next post: New Years Day at the ZOO!


Jason and Lindsey said...

Good post! I love reliving the Christmas time with you guys I hadn't seen the pic of Josiah on his walk with the guys, precious! Love you!

Unknown said...

I love that Josiah is wearing his slippers in one of the pics!! And he looks beyond cute in that beanie!! Love You!