Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Last Weekend in Pics and 15 mos update!

We spent some time at Jay's parents last wknd! Friday Jay's parents took us to Rainforest Cafe and Saturday Jay took Jack to the boat show for his birthday and Debbie and I hung out with Josiah till the guys got home. We had a great time with them!

Grandpa Jack showing Josiah the fish in the aquarium!

Love that face!
He was pretty intrigued by "the volcano"!

Checking out the elephants! When we first got there he was a little freaked out by the thundering and all the loud animals, but he quickly warmed up to it and got really excited each time it happened by the end!

We took a ride on a river through the rainforest! It was very foggy...hence the cloudy pics.

He was so mesmerized by the whole experience!

And before we left Josiah got to build an orangutan! As soon as Debbie handed it Josiah to see if it was the one he wanted to build he grabbed it and cuddled up!

After he watched the process of it being stuffed he decided to see which one he wanted to do!
He loves his orangutan was a fun night!
Josiah is very interested in using utensils now and does not want to be fed at all...Mr. Independent...makes for some messy eating!
Debbie (Freckles) and I took Josiah to Chic Fil A for playtime and lunch while the guys were gone. The toddler section of the playground wasn't real captivating to Josiah...he really wanted to climb in the big kid part = mommy squeezed her 5' 8 1/2 self into the playground with him and got a work out maneuvering through such tight spaces while trying to keep him from nose diving out of it.
But despite my efforts, nose dive he did, down the slide spinning around and looking terrified until I caught his hand and slowed him down a little.
All ended well and he wanted to do it again...but mommy diverted him to the toddler area for a little while and when it wasn't working anymore we ate lunch!
Monday Josiah had his 15 month well-visit...only he wasn't well, double ear infections! Bummer! He is being such a trooper as always and is only mildly fussy, he's been pretty happy most of the time. He has lost a little weight since his last visit (which was last week, two wks before that, and two or three before that....all for what I thought were ear infections but weren't...fluid on his ears but no infections). Anyways, all that to say the doc thinks his ears are bothering him enough to mess with his appetite so we are going to an ENT in a few wks and in the meantime we will be working on beefing this boy up!
He is talking up a storm and singing all the time....
Mama, Daddy, hot, please (sounds like tease), uh-oh, done, down, dance, home are the most common but we've heard him say dog, duck, up, more, trees, stick, YaYa on occasion.
He is RUNNING all over and starting to climb on things. He discovered today that he can clasp his hands behind his back and he walked around all day like that as if he was inspecting something.
He blows kisses and waves bye bye...when its his idea...but it happens more frequently now.
He signs all done, please, thank you, and more.
He still drools volumous amounts constantly...back gums are swollen but no sign of any teeth cutting through just yet.
He is almost always happy and loves to laugh, people ask me often if he ever cries...I assure them he does just usually not in social settings cause he gets so happy around people!
He is also very strong willed and independent we are going to have to be the most consistent-on top of it- disciplining parents with that will of his!
He is a rough and tough little boy...the other day at the mall playground a little girl fell hard off a the top of a tunnel he was crawling through right on his head...he just got up and kept on playing!
He is napping once a day now...usually for about 2 hrs and sleeping about 12 hrs at night.
He loves bath time, reading, building blocks, balls, brooms, instruments, dancing, peek a boo and chase, pulling out all my tupperware and climbing in the cabinet, his blanket, puppy and lovey, and cereal bars, milk, squash, peas, sweet potatoes, hot dogs, yogurt melts and lots and lots of fruit!
He is 31 1/2 inches tall and weighs 22 lbs 12 oz (a few wks ago it was 23 lbs 7 oz) so we are working on gaining it back with some added butter on veggies and one Pediasure a day.
He is a cuddle bug at nap and bed times.
He is very affectionate, he gives kisses to us, his animals, his books, and he has started playing with my hair when I hold sweet!
He is such a little angel...we love him sooooo much!
Please be praying for NO TUBES! Keep ya posted!


Jill said...

Those poor little ears! I'll defintitely pray for no tubes and a well baby. You are so good at documenting all of his development. I laughed picturing him climbing into your cabinets! He's such a cutie.

Jason and Lindsey said...

What a great post! Rainforest looks like a lot of fun! I miss the little man so much! He is growing up too much in between visits with us! I can't wait to see him and you guys soon! The last pic of him on this post is priceless! Love it! Also, praying for no tubes! Love you!

Unknown said...

Definitely praying for no tubes for his poor little ears!! Great post!