Friday, April 25, 2008


The past week has been a week of a few firsts....

First time Ras has enjoyed a beach vacation (in utero that is)...

First time Ras experienced an Astros game (in utero)...

First time I got sick from eating too rich of food (Landry's seafood was momentary bliss then...yuck!)...

First time Ras caught a fish with mommy (again in utero)...

First cry over not having clothes that fit (very hormonal morning apparantly)...

And last but not least....

First time I felt baby move!!!

Yes, it's true...I have been feeling what I am quite positive is little Ras moving for about a week now! I only feel something like once to twice a day and some days I haven't felt anything at all. I have felt it mostly in the same spot over and over on my right side, which is also exactly where the doc always finds the baby's heartbeat on the Dop tone. It is this little flutter/twitching feeling...feels somewhat like gas but uniquely different. It's quite amazing!!! I can't wait until I can feel the baby moving all the time...and even more so until Jay can feel it too!

Needless to say, this week has been quite eventful and exciting for us! And I found out a date was set for my baby shower...July 27th! Some precious women at First Colony will be hosting a baby shower for us...I feel so blessed and can't fun!

Pics of the week to come later...can't download them onto Jay's work computer which is our only internet access this week!

Although I am actually 15 wks is what was happening with me last week since I never posted it:

Your fetus now measures about 4.1 to 4.5 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 1.75 ounces. Its body is covered by an ultrafine hair, called lanugo, which is usually shed by birth. Eyebrows and hair on the top of the head are beginning to grow and his bones are getting harder. He may even be sucking his thumb by now. Your uterus can probably be felt about three to four inches below your navel.


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! You can feel our little one!! I can't wait for you to post pictures. I want to see you now. I miss you crazy bad. Call me after vaca. Love you.


Anonymous said...

Can you believe you are so close to half way!! Love the belly picture update - looks really prego. I am glad you guys had such a wonderful vacation, and such an eventful Ras week. Getting so excited.

Love, YaYa