2. Started cereal on Monday
Jay, Jamie and Josiah
Posted by Jamie at 11:05 AM 3 comments
It has been a great start to our Valentine's Day today! This morning Josiah woke up at 7:30...his usual time...but was so tired still after eating that I put him back down at 8 and he slept until 10:20...which meant...Jay and I SLEPT IN! Then we woke up and cooked breakfast for eachother, watched Josiah play in his Excersaucer and Jay just took Josiah for a walk! Later we are heading to SL and my parents are going to watch Josiah while we go on our first date since he was born. We are going to Outback and then to see Benjamin Button! So excited!
Posted by Jamie at 9:24 AM 3 comments
Posted by Jamie at 12:51 PM 6 comments
Josiah started making rasberries back at us yesterday! It is his new favorite noise! Today after I videoed him doing it I held the video camera in front of him so he could watch and he got so excited and started making the noise over and over again while he watched himself...cracked me up!
Beautiful boy!
At lunch with YaYa last week before some shopping! Isn't he just the cutest little bundle!?!
Sportin' his shades! Everytime I take him outside he squints his eyes and starts squirming from the bright light...so I thought we would try out the shades on our walk this weekend. He loved them! In fact when I took them off at one point he fussed a little until I put them back on!
They loved eachother!
So today we are tackling the sad task of finding a new type of paci for Josiah. We LOVED the Nuk's he has been using since he was born...they looked boyish and weren't huge on his face and didn't have that ring on them that annoys us...more importantly though...HE loved them...and we can't find them anywhere anymore. He had two of them and we lost one so I went to buy another and after a few weeks of checking back at Babies R Us, Wal Mart, and Target several times for them I found out that what may have happened is that they may not be BPA free and were pulled. But I couldn't find any info on a recall though. Anyways...to be on the safe side we are going to quit giving him the beloved Nuk we still have, so I bought two different kinds today and we are trying them out. I think he likes the Avent ones. They are monstrosities though! Who knew paci's could be such an ordeal?!
Posted by Jamie at 12:45 PM 4 comments