We found the perfect pacifier for Josiah and a perfectly suited new nickname too...McDrooly!
Do you see that little wet chin?

Note the drool spot on Mr. Handsome's shirt...it's small compared to usual and has become a constant spot on mine too!

With all the drooling and him constantly putting his hands and anything else he can get in his mouth, you would think he was teething already! I've read some babies start this early but I don't think he is.
Now...for some random pics of the past week or so...
This morning he tried out his excersaucer for the first time! He was pretty wide eyed the whole time he was in there! It was fun watching him discover he could turn himself around in there.

He thinks his daddy is SO COOL!
(and he is... truly such a fun dad)

(he is a very helpful dad too...de does bathtime just about every night)
So happy!
He will be four months old on Monday! I can't believe how fast the time is passing! He is such a joy!

Changing subjects....
Does anyone know of some SUPER soft cotton sheets that you just love? What kind? Where can you get them, etc.?
We are on the hunt for some new sheets and I was greatly disappointed by the last ones I got...they were scratchy and have already started balling up after just one wash...unacceptable, if I had the receipt I would try and take them back...but I don't!
Josiah must put a halt to all of this growing until I can see him more. Oh my goodness, he is sooo chubby! Wow, the time is flying by. I love his paci, Mom had told me about it. I miss you guys. Love you Jo baby!
I just can't believe he could get any more addorable but he sure is!!! I think you should try to take those sheets back...without a receipt and maybe they will have something you can get in return.
I have not forgotten about calling you! I am going to try to give you a call on Friday when I don't have to tutor. We bought new sheets last year and had the same trouble. We loved our first ones so much but they were falling apart. The ones we have now are ok but not that great. Good luck.
target has some really soft terry cloth like sheets they are super soft though!
I will let you know if I find soft sheets! Lance and I have been on a soft sheet search for a while now! :) Love you & Josiah looks sooooo cute and chubby!
I just bought sheets for the girls beds at Bed Bath and Beyond. They are Wamsutta Comfort Soft Cotton 400 thread count eqyptian cotton. They are pretty soft for 400 thread count. I have the 800 thread count and it is softer but the 400 is more reasonably priced. You can borrow a set that I have and try it out if you want.
By the way, Josiah is absolutely precious. I could stare at his little face all day.
Love, Aunt Vicki
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