I had my first weekly appt yesterday. It was quite the experience. My doctor offices at two different locations. One in Pearland, one in Clear Lake. I was supposed to see her in Pearland and even called ahead of time to make sure she would be seeing patients due to the hurricane and was told she would be there. I drove all the way out there from Sugar Land and there was a sign on the door that they had lost power again and all OB patients should go to the Clear Lake location and would be seen by whatever doctor was available. What?! My first weekly visit and I was going to see some doc I never met before?! It sent me over the edge a little, I called my mom and cried on my way over there. It ended up being fine though. I saw my docs labor and delivery nurse instead of a different doc. She was really sweet and I felt comfortable. I am not progessed at all yet but she said his head is very low already. So....the waiting game begins.
Please, please, pray for us that we will get power back in our house before he is born. We just moved from my parents in Sugar Land to Jay's parents house in Friendswood so we can be closer to home, work, etc. But we REALLY want to be back in our own home when we bring our little guy HOME from the hospital in a few weeks or so. We have been displaced for over a week now and they are still projecting it could be this Thursday or later before our area has power restored. The only thing is, they can't restore ours remotely like most people. They have to send someone out to get our transformer off the ground and repaired. We are hoping we won't be an exception to the projected date because of that. Please pray!!!
Here are some pics at 36 wks...9 mos belly!!!
WOWZERS!! You do look like you are about to pop and you are beautiful!! The other pics you sent me I could not open, so this was so exciting. When I saw the pics I almost started crying. I am so happy for you but then has been a very hard thing for me to not be with you and seeing your belly grow. You are so much bigger than when I saw you last. I miss you like crazy. You are the cutest prego ever. Your hair looks great in those pics by the way! Love you.
You look great Jamie! Getting so close! I can't wait to see Josiah!
You are the hottest pregnant woman I have ever seen!!! You look absolutely gorgeous! Hope you are hanging in there...not much longer to go! Love you so much.
you look adorable. the night before i went into labor, i was at target and this man walked right up to me and said he thought i should go home because, and i quote, "you look like you're about to explode." i wanted to slam my cart right into him! (even if he WAS right!)
praying for Josiah's birthday!
Jamie! I cannot believe how cute you are. You look amazing. I can't wait to meet Josiah. It seems like yesterday when I got the call and started screaming in the gas station. I cannot believe he is almost here. We are praying for your house & more importantly for little Jo. I love you and can't wait for the call telling me to hop on the first plane out of Lubbock! By the way your hair looks great. Love you...see ya soon! :)
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