Friday, September 26, 2008

Yay Progress!

I just got back from my OB appt...I am 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated! I realize that some people walk around for weeks like that and don't go into labor. BUT...since he is big my doc and I are both thinking he could come early. She said I should probably plan on being pregnant still by next Friday when I see her in the office again, but she qualified that with..."it could happen anytime though!" Last week when I went in there was no I am encouraged by the change over the past week. We will keep ya posted! =)

Oh! And I forgot to of Tues when they did another ultrasound to check on his growth....they are estimating he is already 7lbs 2oz. He's gonna be a big boy! Doc doesn't think we need to induce early if I don't go into spontaneous labor soon but doesn't want me going much past my due date because of his size. I am hoping for early spontaneous labor, I don't want to be induced at anytime if it can be avoided!


Out On a Limb said...

how exciting! enjoy these last weeks (days maybe!) as much as you can. life will never be the will be awesome, but just never the same. love you!