The nursery is almost complete! The only thing really left to do is put pictures in the frames above the changing table. I am going to put a maternity pic in one of them but am waiting for our sweet boy to get here so I can put some pics of him in the other ones. After we hung the last thing on the wall the other day I told Jay, something is missing, it just doesn't feel which he answered, "it's Josiah, it's cause he isn't in here yet." I think he hit it right on! We are so anxious for him to get here!

Doesn't that pic just look cozy?! Can't wait to snuggle up in that chair and rock him to sleep!

yeah. I agree it looks complete, minus josiah. I like the surf pic over the crib! love you.
It looks great!!! And it looks like you have already learned how to get nice and cozy in that glider! I can't wait to see Josiah!
hey! i just stumbled across your blog from kelli''s funny how you get in touch with people by blog jumping! congratulations on the baby! i hope all is well with you!!
I have thought about you guys all weekend. I so hope your little man's room still looks the same. Never fun to get a room finished in your home and then have a hurricane come along!! Hope there will be no more bumps in the road before Josiah makes his arrival. He will be here before you know it.
i love the crib! yall did a great job on the room:)
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