Friday, May 30, 2008

Wiggly little love bug!

Read the ticker at the top for this's right on!

My little love has become quite an active little fellow the past week. Well, I guess he has probably been that active for a while, I just feel the activity a LOT now! It is so fun! I feel him on and off all day long, seems like everytime I sit down after I have been moving, he gets active for a few minutes. And I have woken up a few times during the night to him kicking away. His little kicks are turning into big kicks! If I watch closely I can see my belly pop when he kicks, punches or wriggles. I think I felt something like a somersault a few days ago! The other night Jay hadn't been able to feel him move in a few days, everytime he was active Jay wasn't around or if he was around, as soon as he would get his hand to my belly it seemed like Josiah went to sleep or something. So we sat on the couch with Jay's hand on my belly for about 30 minutes and all of the sudden Josiah kicked HARD like 6 times right into the palm of Jay's hand! I think he was showing off his strength for his daddy cause it was crazy how hard those kicks were compared to usual. It is such a sweet thing for Jay and I to share together, we both just get these giddy grins on our face and talk about how we can't wait till he gets here. Jay is so cute, ever since I've been pregnant he has been pointing out other pregnant women or other babies when we are in public. Now he points out all the baby boys, after we admire them, he says with anticipation and wonder in his voice..."We are having a boy." I can not wait to watch him with our little guy, he is seriously going to be such an awesome dad, it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it!

Something else that has brought tears to my eyes this last week:

Thinking of my little love having to endure the pain of circumcision. It just breaks my heart thinking of how traumatic all of it is going to be for his little self. Being born is probably traumatic enough. Think about it, all babies know prior to birth is the safe haven of their mother's womb where virtually no pain or discomfort is felt. Then they get squeezed through a birth canal, lay there naked in the nursery while nurses poke and prod and test their reflexes (being naked is probably cold compared to what they are used to and they probably feel insecure not being wrapped up snuggly) then poor little boys have to endure a circumcision. Seems like a harsh entrance into the world, don't ya think?! I can't stand the thought! I just want him to feel safe and loved! Everyone keeps assuring me he will anyways, I am so glad babies can't remember such trauma.

On a different note:

We bought a car, a preowned Jeep Patriot! I love it and think Josiah does too! As soon as we sat down at the dealership to talk #'s with the sales associate Josiah started kicking. =) I think it's going to be a great family vehicle.

That's all people...if you made it this far through my novel I am impressed! I am 20 wks....half way through! Woo Hoo!

You’re 20 Weeks Pregnant. You're at about the midpoint of your pregnancy. Your baby measures about 5.6 to 6.4 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 9 ounces. He can hear sounds by now – so talk to your baby often. Baby will even cover his ears with his hands if a loud sound is made near you, and he may even become startled and "jump." Your baby is moving often, too -- twisting, turning, wiggling, punching and kicking. Can you feel him? Your uterus is just about even with your navel and your waistline has pretty much disappeared. But don't worry, it is only temporary!

Friday, May 23, 2008


This past week or so has been busy with nesting activities! First, last Friday after we found out we were having a boy, I went with my mom on a hunt for baby boy bedding. It was actually a rather hard task to find something I liked. I finally settled on this adorable but very boyish (still getting used to things not being cutsy and girly) bedding at Baby's 1st called Boxers or Briefs. I love the name! It also lends itself nicely to a surfer baby theme...which was a selling point for us! I had been telling Jay that we were not going to do any themes because I just wasn't into them, most that I saw kind of cheesed me out. But this one is really subtle. In fact there is nothing surfer in the bedding, just some surfer wall art that matches the colors in the bedding. I found an overstuffed glider I am obsessed with and picked the fabric for it, and picked the paint color for his room. I can't wait to get it all set up!!! Then Saturday Jay and I worked all day cleaning out and organizing our garage...and it looks awesome if I do say so myself. Sunday we washed and detailed both of our cars inside and out. We were just going to do mine since we are trying to sell it and get me something more baby friendly but decided to do them both while we were at it. It is time to say goodbye to my pretty red Acura Integra! Two door and standard just wouldn't be very convenient with a little one. All week we have been working on getting the car ready to sell and looking and test driving cars we are interested in buying. So far we are leaning towards a pre-owned Jeep Patriot. It is a little higher off the ground than a car, roomy like a small SUV and has the gas mileage of a car! And with gas prices rising like they are...that is very important to us! We will see what happens.

Josiah has been kicking more and more these days, I love it every time I feel him. We have been talking to him a lot and can't wait till he gets here.

Speaking of nesting though...I have got to go clean my house!

Here is what took place this week:

You're 19 Weeks Pregnant. Your baby measures about 5.2 to 6 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 7 ounces. (Our baby was 9 oz already last week though!!! Big boy!) The baby's skin is developing and is transparent, appearing red because of the visible blood vessels. A creamy white protective coating, called vernix, is also developing. As your baby continues to grow, you may be feeling some mid-pregnancy aches and pains -- lower abdominal achiness, dizziness, heartburn, constipation, leg cramps, mild swelling of ankles and feet, and a backache are all normal. Dilated blood vessels might cause tiny, temporary red marks (called spider nevi) on your face, shoulders and arms.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Seeing Josiah

Yesterday was an amazing day! The experience of that ultrasound was seriously so cool. It was so special finding out that we were having a boy...and it was fun that both Jay and I were right on our gut feelings about it too. But the whole ultrasound was awesome! We got to see Josiah's brain in detail, four chambers of his heart, ventricles, major blood vessels, kidneys, bladder, stomach, spine, eye lenses, bones, knuckles, etc. It is unbelievable how much you can see on ultrasounds. And it was such a reassuring experience because as the tech and then later the doctor showed us each organ they would say, "looks good, looks normal, looks perfect, looks beautiful..." I was whispering praises to my King with each good report! Isn't God amazing, with all the things that have to develop perfectly in a baby, it is such evidence of miraculous creation when babies are healthy. God is in the business of fearfully and wonderfully making babies! And it is so precious to see Josiah as he is being knit together in my womb.

It was also a really fun experience, the doctor was quite the comedian and had us rolling about Josiah's "manhood." He had a few other names for Josiah too but I don't want to embarrass him before he is even born so I won't say what they were! Lets just say I learned a lot about baby boys that I was clueless about until yesterday. =)

Oh and start praying for me at delivery now because most babies at this stage of development are 7oz and Josiah is 9oz already, he is a big boy! They said there is a chance that I could be about 6 days further along than they thought but that it also could just be that he is gonna be a big baby. I love chunky babies! I can't wait to see what he looks like and really hope he looks just like Jay!

It was so sweet watching him squirm around, touch his nose, scratch his head, and kick at the tech when he got agitated at the prodding! I wanted to kiss him and am all the more eager to hold him in my arms!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

It's a Boy!!!

We are having a son!!!!

Josiah Andrew

We are so excited!

I will write more later...trying to eat dinner before all the grandparents come over to see the video of the ultrasound.

And the blog is under construction. I had a disaster trying to update the template to be more boyish and lost all my customizations! =(

Monday, May 12, 2008

Belly pics- 17wks

Just a few more weeks and that belly button is popping out for sure!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Can't wait!

I had a doctor's appt on Friday and got to hear the heartbeat again! It's so amazing and so joyous each time I hear that perfect little healthy heartbeat! I love the reassurance that everything seems to be just right. My belly is continuing to grow and I am in some maternity clothes now and still rubberbanding many of my own pants too. My appetite has really increased again, my 3 am snack attacks are back. I have gained 8 lbs total in the pregnancy, my doc said this was good, cause the baby is growing but I am not really gaining much anywhere else. I still feel great and consider myself so blessed to be having such an good pregnancy!

We find out the sex of the baby on WEDNESDAY!!! I can hardly handle the anticipation! We will see if my gut feeling that it is a boy is right or not. CAN'T WAIT!!!

My mom came over this weekend and helped me clean out the study which is now going to be the baby's room....I am so thankful for an organized mother....organization is not my gift! I am in the nesting mode now, I have all kinds of cleaning out/organization projects in mind and as soon as we find out the sex I am going to get busy picking out bedding, paint colors, finishing my registry, etc. I am so anxious to start decorating the nursery!

Today was my first Mother's Day! My sis, mom and dad, mother-in-law, sweet hubby all gave me cards and gifts and many precious friends sent me "Happy Mother's Day" texts! It was so year I will have my little bambino in my arms on Mother's Day! Crazy to think about!

Well, I will be posting in just a few days who it is that is growing in my belly! Depending on the sex we might have a name to announce too!

Here is what went on with development this last week:

Your baby measures about 4.4 to 4.8 inches from crown to rump and has doubled its weight in the last two weeks to about 3.5 ounces. Fat begins to form aiding heat production and metabolism, the lungs are beginning to exhale amniotic fluid, and the circulatory and urinary systems are working. Hair continues to grow on baby's head and his eyebrows and eyelashes are filling in. You're showing more, with an obvious swelling in your lower abdomen. A five- to 10-pound weight gain is typical by now. You also may be noticing an increase in appetite.

Monday, May 5, 2008

3am kicks

Last night was an eventful night for the Blackburn family, especially for little Ras around 3am! I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and when I got back in bed Ras started moving incessantly for about 10 minutes and kicking like crazy! Some of the kicks were strong enough that I could put my hand where I was feeling them and feel it on my hand! So awesome! Of course, Jay had to experience this so I woke him up and put his hand where I was feeling kicks. He felt the first one, but after that they weren't as strong and he didn't feel anymore. I kept saying "Did ya feel that? Feel that?" I guess cause I can feel it inside my body it's easier for me to sense the slightest sensation in my hand too. That was the first time either of us felt the baby move with our hands! Jay went back to sleep after that but I was wired, Ras quit kicking but was still moving around, it was such a sweet bonding time to just lay there feeling the baby move all over. But then Ras quit moving and I couldn't go back to sleep, I decided it was cause I was hungry so I got up and ate cheese and crackers, downed a glass of water and went back to bed. Ras gave one more strong kick right when I laid back down but then the activity stopped and I finally fell asleep around 4ish...the alarm went off it seemed like 2 seconds later at 6am. I was tired but kept telling myself to enjoy what sleep I get now b/c I am going to be getting much less here in a few months! And actually I still got about 7hrs...are you new moms out there hating me right now?! Anyways, just wanted to share my 3am kicks with ya! I wonder if this is going to become a nightly pattern?!

Happy Cinco De Mayo!

Thursday, May 1, 2008


So the word this week seemed to be that my belly is popping! I started saying that to Jay and my mom starting last Saturday. It was like sometime during the day I looked down and was like looks like more than bloating all of the sudden...hence the belly pic on the last post! Then when I got back to work on Monday after being gone a week that is what several of my co-workers said almost immediately..."ahh, you are starting to pop out!" All very exciting, but then I am thinking all these people know I am pregnant so they are looking for it. However, at Subway today this woman stopped me to ask where I got my shirt...I told her Forever 21 (where else?!) and she said she was asking b/c her daughter is pregnant too and she thought it was a cute maternity top! Yay! A complete stranger noticed my bump and obviously felt certain enough I that it was a prego belly and not chub to say something!

The clothes situation is still interesting, every time I put on a pair of pants they fit less than they did last time I put them on! Shelley is going to go maternity clothes shopping with me on Saturday! Fun! She is also going to help me start I told her...I am new at this and don't know what's hot and what's not in baby world, I need someone who has done it to give me the low down! Shelley is my cousins wife for those of you that don't know...and a very good friend of mine. I don't get to see her very often and I miss her lots so I am super pumped about getting to spend time with her!

I am still feeling Ras move some here and there and am getting so anxious to start feeling the baby move all the time! I want that constant reminder that Ras is okay, active, and healthy! One of the pregnancy newsletters for this week said that although the baby's eyes are still fused shut, it can sense light and if I were to shine a flashlight on my belly the baby would move away from the light! Pretty cool huh? I haven't tried it though...since I can't feel what the baby is doing at every move I wouldn't know if it was happening or not.

By the shower date changed from July 27th to July is now on a Saturday. Maybe this will make it easier for all of you out of towners to come! =)

Here is the scoop on us for this week:

Your baby now measures about 4.3 to 4.6 inches from crown to rump and weighs about 2.8 ounces. Fingernails are well-formed and the fine hair, called lanugo, continues to grow on the head. Arms and legs are moving, the nervous system is functioning and muscles are responding to stimulation from your baby's brain. You may be able to hear the baby's heartbeat in the doctor's office. Your uterus has grown significantly by now and weighs about 8.75 ounces. Within the next few weeks you may start to feel your baby move, called "quickening." It's often described as a gas bubble or subtle fluttering movement. As it happens more regularly, you'll know it's your baby. There are other physiological changes happening in your body. Increased blood volume to support your growing fetus may cause nosebleeds, and veins may become more apparent. Because your uterus is shifting, you may not have to urinate as much.