I've been itching to get some new pictures up but just can't find the time to do it...imagine that!? :) It has been so busy, Josiah eats every two to three hours...mainly every two, so finding time to do anything between feedings have been difficult. But we are both doing well. He is nursing like a champ, it has come realy easily which is a huge blessing! Now if he could just start sleeping in a little longer stretches at night so mommy wouldn't be so sleep deprived we would be good to go! There are so many pictures I want to share, but here are a few of my favorites from our first week! Haven't had a chance to download pics from the second week yet.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Announcing Josiah Andrew Blackburn

Posted by Jamie at 8:33 AM 17 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Finally...reconnected to the universe!
Last weekend our computer was maliciously attacked with 222 viruses...yes that is right, tragic and terrible timing I know! We had to take it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy and get it fixed, so for past 5 days we have been without internet. I have felt so disconnected from the world! But...we are back in the game again. So...for an update...unless I go into labor between now and 7am tomorrow spontaneously I will be induced at 7 in the morning. I am currently 2cm and about 80% effaced, so my doctor thinks I will respond well and quickly to the induction. Contractions are coming more and more everyday, some consistent...some not. Today I have had contractions mainly around 10 minutes apart consistently almost all day, with a few spreading 15 to 20 min apart and some as close as 6 or 7 min apart. We will see if they keep coming and getting closer together. We still are praying that I will go into labor on my own before the induction and would love for you to join us in that prayer. But we are resting in whatever God has for us, and welcome your prayers for a safe, complication free delivery of a perfectly healthy baby boy! Oh and the doc said today he felt like he could possibly be 8 to 8 1/2 lbs...so we will see soon just how accurate all these guestimates are! We are so excited and can't wait to meet our precious son! We will post an update on his arrival and pics of our baby boy as soon as we are able too!
Posted by Jamie at 3:30 PM 9 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Ultrasound pics and update!
He is just so precious! He is so scrunched up in there now, it's hard to get real clear pics, but here are a few good ones. He definitely has got him some chubster cheeks...can't wait to kiss them! The ultrasound measurements have him at 7 lbs 13 oz. But the measurements can be off a pound one way or the other. So we will see when he is born how accurate they were. As of today I am between 1.5 cm and 2cm dilated and between 70 and 80% effaced. She said she was giving ball park #'s b/c it is subjective. She still thinks I am on track to deliver before the induction date, I hope she is right and I hope it's this weekend sometime while Linds is here! Jay and I chose not to do the 3D ultrasound thing, but today the tech asked if I would indulge her and let her get a quick 3D shot because he was in good position for one. Pretty sweet to see those chubby cheeks and him sticking his little tongue out. I just can't wait to see the real thing!!!
This is a video of his sweet little face while he is squirming around, he has his hands up under his chin kind of. At the end of the video you can see he kind of turns his face away, I wonder if we were disturbing his nap with all the picture taking!
Posted by Jamie at 1:35 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Yoga at 3 am?!
So...last night (Tues) was an interesting one. I finally got out of bed at 2:30 because I was uncomfortable and couldn't sleep. After about an hour of reading every blog I could, reading and responding to about 12 emails, etc. I was at a loss at what to do. So I decided to do my prenatal Yoga videa at 3:30am. That's right...I worked out in the middle of the night. For those of you who do Yoga, you know it's not much of a workout as it is just a lot of stretching mainly, and it felt great! I forced myself to go back to bed afterwards despite being wide awake and finally fell asleep. Tonight is already off to an interesting start. It is 11:15 and I layed in bed for an hour already unable to fall asleep, so now I am up...blogging again. Anyone have any ideas of things I can do in the middle of the night? I was having contractions about 10 minutes apart for about 2 hours earlier so I think it got me all excited at the possibility that I could be going into labor sometime soon. We will see I guess. I have another ultrasound and doc appt in the morning. We are going to see just how big this sweet boy is getting! And I am hoping to hear I've made a lot more progress since last week. I should have an update sometime tomorrow afternoon. I just ate some cheese and crackers...got hungry right when I got in bed and couldn't quit thinking about cheese and crackers. So now that I've had a snack maybe sleepiness will set in soon...otherwise it may be another night for Yoga.
Posted by Jamie at 9:09 PM 3 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
10 more days at the most!
Just a quick update...I am scheduled to be induced due to his size on the 16th if I haven't had him yet by then. But our hearts desire is still that I go into labor spontaneously before that time, and my doctor feels like I will. Please keep us in your prayers that I will go into labor sometime before then, more specifically sometime this week so my sister can come see him this weekend. If I go past this weekend it will be more complicated for her to get here. Thanks for your prayers...the waiting is SOOOOOOOOOOOO hard! We are just so excited to meet him! At least I know it will be in ten days at the most...still praying for sooner though!
Posted by Jamie at 3:00 PM 5 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
38wks belly pics and update

Posted by Jamie at 2:16 PM 2 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Baby...come out!
Okay. So seriously I am ready to get this show on the road. It is currently 4:45am and I have been awake and sneezing continuously with a burning esophagus since about 1:30am. I have successfully gone through half a roll of toilet paper blowing my nose and still no relief. Anybody know why I might be having massive allergy attacks only at night?! It is the most bizarre thing ever. I mean my allergies occasionally will bother me a little early in the mornings but then I am fine all day until 1:30 am when without fail I am woken up by reflux and sneezing...is there a connection between to the two? The reflux has been going on a while, the allergy thing started not long after but continues to worsen. I started thinking maybe in pregnancy I developed an allergy to our laundry detergent...but then wouldn't I be sneezing all day because of my clothes? I keep our room very dusted and clean just to make sure it's not dust...I just don't know what the deal is. So...I have decided it's just pregnancy...and that it is time for this pregnancy to be over...so baby come out! I am soooo ready. Besides the reflux and allergies, there is the discomfort from the immense amount of pressure I've been feeling in my pelvis that continues to increase and the crampiness I've been having...feels kind of like menstrual cramps, the increasing fatigue (probably from no sleep at night), and of course....the unbelievable excitement and anticipation of meeting our little love and finally having him in our arms. I told Jay tonight though that I am not sure which I am more eager for....having Josiah in my arms or just an end to pregnancy discomfort. I feel guilty that the anticipation for the two even compare...but it is just time! Until this last trimester pregnancy has been a wonderful, amazingly easy experience for me...and regardless of the recent discomforts, it has been such a blessing and marvelous experience that I wouldn't trade for anything! That being said...bring on the labor and delivery already!!!
p.s. Happy Birthday to my awesome brother-in-law Jason...soon to be Uncle J-J!
oh....and say a little prayer for us, our refrigerator isn't cooling and is making a weird hmm...click noise. we are having someone come look at it. pray it is easily and cheaply fixable! thanks!
Posted by Jamie at 2:43 AM 5 comments