Okay. So seriously I am ready to get this show on the road. It is currently 4:45am and I have been awake and sneezing continuously with a burning esophagus since about 1:30am. I have successfully gone through half a roll of toilet paper blowing my nose and still no relief. Anybody know why I might be having massive allergy attacks only at night?! It is the most bizarre thing ever. I mean my allergies occasionally will bother me a little early in the mornings but then I am fine all day until 1:30 am when without fail I am woken up by reflux and sneezing...is there a connection between to the two? The reflux has been going on a while, the allergy thing started not long after but continues to worsen. I started thinking maybe in pregnancy I developed an allergy to our laundry detergent...but then wouldn't I be sneezing all day because of my clothes? I keep our room very dusted and clean just to make sure it's not dust...I just don't know what the deal is. So...I have decided it's just pregnancy...and that it is time for this pregnancy to be over...so baby come out! I am soooo ready. Besides the reflux and allergies, there is the discomfort from the immense amount of pressure I've been feeling in my pelvis that continues to increase and the crampiness I've been having...feels kind of like menstrual cramps, the increasing fatigue (probably from no sleep at night), and of course....the unbelievable excitement and anticipation of meeting our little love and finally having him in our arms. I told Jay tonight though that I am not sure which I am more eager for....having Josiah in my arms or just an end to pregnancy discomfort. I feel guilty that the anticipation for the two even compare...but it is just time! Until this last trimester pregnancy has been a wonderful, amazingly easy experience for me...and regardless of the recent discomforts, it has been such a blessing and marvelous experience that I wouldn't trade for anything! That being said...bring on the labor and delivery already!!!
p.s. Happy Birthday to my awesome brother-in-law Jason...soon to be Uncle J-J!
oh....and say a little prayer for us, our refrigerator isn't cooling and is making a weird hmm...click noise. we are having someone come look at it. pray it is easily and cheaply fixable! thanks!
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8 years ago
I can totally relate about pregnancy discomfort and being ready for it to be over so don't feel guilty. I can't wait to hear you've had Josiah! It's getting so close. We are praying for you guys!
I really think that the discomfort is part of God's plan. When the baby is finally born we are so ready! So don't feel guilty. The lack of sleep is, unfortunately, also preparation. And yes, you are allowed to blame everything uncomfortable/weird/bad in your body/life to pregnancy. I love you girl, hang in there!
i don't know this first hand, but friends have mentioned random reasons they haven't been able to sleep the last few weeks of pregnancy. i completely agree and believe it's God preparing our bodies for waking up every couple of hours to feed & just to adjust to lack of sleep in general with a little one. i'm praying for you guys--for a very healthy delivery & baby! congrats again!
Thanks woman :) OH man, I'm praying for you!! YUUCCKKK to all of that reflux/insomnia/allergy mess. It will allllll be over soon, and you'll have a super adorable little surfer baby to show for it. YAY!
Love you guys :)
Oh...and praying about the fridge. SO annoying when those things happen.
It's weird and coincidental that you just mentioned the allergy thing, b/c a couple of days ago, out of the blue, my allergies went crazy and I can't get it all under control. My chest has a fire burning in there all the time, like you, and then this horrible stuffy nose and puffy eyes. So it's nice knowing that someone is in my same boat. Hang in there, girl!!!! You are in the final stretch and then you won't even remember this.
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