I don't know if you can tell how much I've dropped or not by the pics...but trust me I have, I can feel the pressure! Jay can tell by looking at me too but he is well acquainted with my belly. 

Unfortunately I don't have any exciting news of more progress to share. I am still 1cm dilated and 70% effaced. I told my doctor of the prelabor signs I was having and she said, "those are all good signs!" I knew she wouldn't say much else than that cause she can't predict the future down to a date, but I was wishing she would say...well, then this baby will be here in the next few days. She did however decide we will induce at my due date because of his size if I haven't already delivered by then. And she told me she doesn't think I will make it to my due date, she expects I will go into labor sometime before then. So I was somewhat encouraged by that!

For now I am staying busy resting and nesting!
So I posted on your last blog but somehow it did not appear. The new pics are awesome!! You are so cute. I can tell how much you have dropped. I miss you and tell josiah that i am thankful he is cooperating so well with my schedule!!:) JK. I love you sis and miss you more than you know. Can not wait to see you and my LITTLE NEPHEW, SOO SOO SOO SOON!!!!
I was 1cm and 80% effaced the day I went in to labor, so it can happen at any time! Praying for Josiah's birthday.
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