He is just so precious! He is so scrunched up in there now, it's hard to get real clear pics, but here are a few good ones. He definitely has got him some chubster cheeks...can't wait to kiss them! The ultrasound measurements have him at 7 lbs 13 oz. But the measurements can be off a pound one way or the other. So we will see when he is born how accurate they were. As of today I am between 1.5 cm and 2cm dilated and between 70 and 80% effaced. She said she was giving ball park #'s b/c it is subjective. She still thinks I am on track to deliver before the induction date, I hope she is right and I hope it's this weekend sometime while Linds is here! Jay and I chose not to do the 3D ultrasound thing, but today the tech asked if I would indulge her and let her get a quick 3D shot because he was in good position for one. Pretty sweet to see those chubby cheeks and him sticking his little tongue out. I just can't wait to see the real thing!!!
This is a video of his sweet little face while he is squirming around, he has his hands up under his chin kind of. At the end of the video you can see he kind of turns his face away, I wonder if we were disturbing his nap with all the picture taking!
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8 years ago
Praying for you guys! Hopefully baby J is on the way SOON!
Oh my goodness...that is so amazing! He looks like such a big boy in the video!
Such sweet pictures!
thinking of you guys... hoping that no posts this weekend means baby Josiah is HERE!
Baby come out!!!
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